OK I don’t want to start a new conspiracy theory here, but if it didn’t happen in the Baltic COULD it have been a sword fish?
Maybe trained by the Russians, or Chinese, who knows.
Remember “Hvaldimir” (RIP)?
If so they would need some fairly heavy weight at the end of the wire to get it to drag along the bottom at any speed and in that deep water.
They would also need a fairly long and strong wire and maybe a winch and crane to handle this contraption. (Not sure if the mooring winch and provision crane would do)
So mission accomplished, “all hands on deck” to get rid of the evidence?
I don’t know if you could get everybody to help, or to keep quiet about such an event.
Beside, this supposedly took place while the ship was in a busy shipping lane.
Even with the AIS off somebody may have noticed any unusual behaviour for an ordinary bulk carrier supposedly just steaming along with it’s cargo or pig iron, iron ore, or as reported somewhere; fertilizer.
I know it is popular to find somebody to blame, especially if it is a Russian or Chinese ship, but if something is too illogical to be true, it usually is pure speculation, or deliberate disinformation.
Over the weekend the WSJ reported that Western intelligence services believe the vessel’s Chinese captain was “induced by Russian intelligence” to use the ship’s anchor to damage the cables.
WSJ is I heard Victoria Nuland teritory and She seems to me a pathological lier.
" After more than a month at sea the Yi Peng 3 may also be running low on provisions, eventually requiring it to head into port or receive supplies."
Apparently by keeping this ship in present position authorities intend to lure her into teritorial waters hoping starvation/lack of food will force the master to come closer.
I am not sure it will work . In the 80s and 90s have plied these waters many times and we never had to dock to get provisions and bonded stores. It was always delivered in transit by the shipchandler boats weather permitting of course.
Saturday, December 21, at 13:20 UTC, ‘Yi Peng 3’ left her anchorage in the Kattegat.
Now, she is underway in the Skagerrak.
AIS-destination: Port Said at January 05.
Who would have thought!! I hope they got some fresh provision for the voyage.
I would’t expect there to be any apologies for the costly delay from anybody.
Or did they find and arrest the “Russian Captain” that caused all this mess?
It is another fake „” russian collusion „” case . Waiting now for some comment from my Bro.” Thank You USA „ guy as he was quite harsh in his comments on the issue. His wife Ann A. luckily kept her mouth shut so far. Surely very smart woman.
Watched the press event. The ship was intercepted dragging its anchor which turned out to be missing when the chain was hauled in. I presume it will be found next to the power cable or one of the four damaged telecommunications cables.