Another suspected underwater cable cutter. M/V Yi Peng 3

Chinese Vessel Suspected in Cable Incident Remains Stopped with Danish Navy Alongside

And EXCELLENT video clip delivered just now by Dr.Sal on the issue. I found it very valuable as in local news the amount of bullshit, nonsense and propaganda on the issue is unbelievable and comments (including mine) contradicting the narrative promulgated by the media are repeatedly deleted and censored.

(2420) Chinese Bulk Carrier Yi Peng 3 Departing Russia is Accused of Severing Two Baltic Submarine Cables - YouTube


In neither version of the video does Dr. Sal note that the Master of the Chinese vessel was reported to be Russian.

Reported by whom??

Dr.Sal quotes many sources, which by definition and observation are not “russian friendly”. I am pretty sure if they whiffed anything like that, they would grab the story and blow it out of proportion and I am sure Dr. Sal himself will make sure this revelation would be included in his video.

In my neighbourhood, which is extremely russophobic the topic of russian capt is spinned ad noseam but predominantly in tabloid news services by hordes of scribblers well known of anti-russian bias and sentiments.

The story would be more plausible if somebody come up with “russian pilot” version.

Why? Because there is a Baltic deep sea pilot service available for masters/owners who do not feel comfortable navigating in Baltic sea environment.

Link below explains and I have picked up local Baltic pilot joint . Same applies for Russia .Just look up this service web page fore more info.


I have never used this service as my visits to Baltic were rare and anybody well accustomed to mega heavy traffic in Dover , North sea , Malacca , and South China Sea does not consider Baltic as a navigational challenge. With one exception -winter ice navigation which would surely prompt me to seek experienced pilotadvise let alone ice breaker escort.

Russian pilot on chinese flaged ship as far as I am concerened is highly unlikely .

I had several confrontations in comments sections on this issue and on the issue of dammaged anchor ( bent) . In first reports the picture below was posted as a proof of damaged /bent anchor .

For starters i had this anchor type on several of my ships . Type- AC-14 HHP or AC-14 SB HHP . It is frequently seen/used on big ships and has enhanced holding power. To me the picture shows the anchor not fully brought home and I can not see any signs confirming it is bent and/or damaged.

So i advised the scribblers to get a better picture to prove their point. Vessel is surrounded by small navy , coast guard crafts and I can not believe nobody there can not make a pic showing beyond any doubt the alleged damage of the anchor.

After two days of arguing they came up with other pics below:

The last one at least shows sth that may be considered as bent.

But from the bent claw to uncontestable evidence of who cut the cable I think it is a long way to go viewing Dr.Sal re-edited video version.

The depth of water in the case of first cable precludes the use of anchor to damage the cable by dragging unless they dragged the anchor and abt 180 mtrs of chain all the way to shallow water with depth less then 100 mtrs. and then retrieved the anchor.

What baffles me is the action of littoral state in relation to UNCLOS as alleged crime was not conducted in it’s teritorial waters. Will wait and see how the story developes.


Could someone explain the behaviour of the German Coastguard cutter that is on the move, day and night, in the vicinity of Yi Peng 3 and the Danish Coastguard cutter, both of which are stationary. Seems like a waste of fuel for no obvious reasons.


May be, they did not (yet) train to let the anchor down…

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Well, at least there is no major subsea cable in the vicinity :innocent:

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Some questions re: detention of a ship in International waters:

Latest news on this incident:

Another ship on lawful passage being hindered in exercising her right of navigation, or a sinister plot to destroy communication between NATO members?

PS> At least there is no talk of explosive cargo this time. She is believed to carry either pig iron or iron ore (depending on who you believe)

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Very good stories. THX. Just finished checking UNCLOS . Can not Find reference to JOINT territorial waters belonging to military aliance or economic union / alliance. Interesting case

German news outlet Bild reports that the vessel’s master is a Russian national, a common arrangement given the large number of Russian officers in the global fleet.

Bild has been described as “notorious for its mix of gossip, inflammatory language, and sensationalism” and as having a huge influence on German politicians…"

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I see a QUOTE here. :slight_smile: verbatim from Maritime Executive article that is 5 days old. :slight_smile: about so called common arrangement. Have just googled „” russian capt on chinese vsl and it has regurgitated a huge list withUKR sources on top quoting Bild. I am still skeptical as Russian and Chinese is a Real bad mix and their resent marriage of necessity caused ….guess by whom? ;-). The story with ruski capt is as good as N. Korean ninja wariors helping beat UKR. It will not wash.

Do Chinese Maritime Authorities allow foreign Master on a Chinese registered vessel?
A quick search brought up the following:

(HK Registry is an open register, separate from the Chinese Shipregister)

PS> I have never come across a foreign Master on any Chinese registered vessel I have ever been onboard, in whatever capacity.


Sweds must be very naive thinking chinese authorities( flag state) will order ship master to return to their EEZ.

Honestly I do not understand this half baked approach of Nordic countries including Germany. Is this the way they are goinging to fight/oppose Russia or China if push comes to shove???

Then they have lost already. And this sickening " the vessel is anchored , or anchored, or stopped" in Danish waters .
What BS is that???
Why they are all afraid to speak out loud : the ships WAS ORDERED TO STOP AND DROP ANCHOR by Danish authority.

So what??? It has been done irrespective if legit or not, irrespective if she commited and unlawful act or not . Finito de la musica.

So now finish what has been started. Swedish navy is already in place , board the effing vessel , slam the letter on master’s desk as to why it is done and for what purpose and preserve video evidence, do the required investigation , collect data including forensic and finish the effing nonsense.

If wrong ??? Who the hell cares???

Extend the appologies through diplomatic channels even in UN /IMO or whatever , buy Xi an effing latest version of electric Mercedes SUV and give the ship’s captain a gold green planet friendly rolex. !!!

This is how diplomacy is done and has been done with former commies block countries and their bosses and get it over with.

If correct/justified ??? Arrest the vessel , master /officers participating in an act , tell chinese to pay for damager/repairs or sell the ship to cover expences.

Why this pussyfooting for God’s sake???

Now listen to this champion called Oracle eyes :wink:

(2454) How Denmark ANSWERED to Russia & China’s SABOTAGE Attempts in the Baltic Sea - YouTube

Would like to see and hear the pannel consisting of Dr.Sal and this Oracle dude. Could be interesting debate. Can offer a title: WGOWS debunking Oracle eyes big time BULLSHIT.

What’d ya say Dr.Sal ??? :wink:

[Disclaimer: I’m not Dr. Sal, but I’ll throw in my 2 cents, anyway] :wink:

On one hand, I do share your feelings and would have wished for a firmer, unambiguous and consistent stance of western nations many times in the past.

On the other hand, however, I can understand the current reluctance and soft treading to a certain extent:

  • Remember the rather embarassing development with the Nordstream pipeline sabotage. Everybody was very quick in pointing the finger at Russia. Weeks later, when accumulating evidence implied Ukraine, the same everybody went very hush-hush, very quickly.
  • The song and dance of “free passage” in international waters has been performed relentlessly (and rightfully) by the West with regard to Bab-el-Mandeb and the South China Sea, naming only the most prominent examples. The Li Peng 3 was apprehended in Denmark’s EEZ, which by international maritime law is not part of the domestic waters. And it is not even Swedish waters. The bar for a non-consensual boarding is much higher under these circumstances.
  • Denmark and Germany are strong ship-owning / ship-management countries. They would not want to have the Younameit Maersk or Klutz Schulte stopped and boarded in any waters by any nation that felt like it. I think the Europeans carefully try to avoid setting a precedent that could backfire on them in the future. I find it encouraging, that they are collaborating closely, with ostentation.

Of course, the situation with Li Peng 3 is “a bit” more incriminating of accidental or even intentional damage to the cables. China, by their standard, seems to be rather softspoken on the current incident, and multilateral diplomacy seems to be very active in the background. Let’s see, if we ever get to hear the full story…

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WSJ added it’s two cents . Looks like the russian capt story morphed into a russian crewman. They still insist they dropped anchor in 160-180 mtrs depth of water where 1rst cable is located.
Exclusive | Chinese Ship’s Crew Suspected of Deliberately Dragging Anchor for 100 Miles to Cut Baltic Cables - WSJ. Article with paywall.

The link below deals with paywalls -not all but managed WSJ article.
RemovePaywall | Free online paywall remover

If they dragged the anchor for 100 Miles they would have cut a lot of cables (possibly hit a pipeline or two as well)

I believe it was calculated that the Yi Peng 3 was moving at something like 7 kts. during the period they went “dark” on AIS?
Doing that speed (against strong wind) while dragging an anchor would be difficult, if not impossible.

Most likely the anchor would have snagged on something strong enough to part the chain at that speed. AFAIK the Yi Peng 3 has both anchors in place as of now:

Photo from
PS> No sign of paint being worn off the hull side (on Stbd, side alt least)

She passed through Great Belt and probably had Danish pilot(s) onboard for that passage? When and where did the pilot(s) get onboard and depart the vessel?
Has he/she/they noticed anything suspicious onboard, like a contraption that could be deployed to cut cables while moving at that speed?

I suspect the ship must have been equipped with an underwater “laser” or something, powerful enough to cut selected cables while passing over the them, without even slowing down. At 7 kts. that would have to be done in a matter of seconds.
As believable as “Jewish space laser” causing wild fires.

I also suspect that somebody will have egg on their face, if and when the true story comes out.
PS> Anybody want to venture a bet on whether it ever will?

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Yeah. I am just busy debunking it in local news joint that is quoting verbatim WSJ in local lingo. Effing nonsense. Even polite and common sense explanation is barred and deleted with " this comment is against our community standards and rules" . Only adullation is allowed :wink: There must be something afoot here as in other local news the comments sections are completely switched off with the explanation that russian trolls are released in milions and are spreading propaganda harming , hurting and poisoning with misinformation the souls and minds of poor Poles. You know, i have lived 30 years under the communist propaganda and news jamming but what i see is now done on a scale unimmaginable is beyond me. This is 1984 on steroids and steroids is completeley inadequate .Its is nuclear powered and lazer inhanced propaganda intended not to inform an average |Joe but to shape his mind and opinion on the issue. Reverting soon on WSJ story ;-).

Exactly. I had an issue with “dropped”. AFAIK one can drop safely anchor on small vessels at depths under keel abt 20mtrs. On big ships like the panamax in question , fully loaded at 14.5 mtrs draft one must be careful and it is dictated by good seamenship as well as ample literature on the issue as loosing anchor with part of the chain or all chain at greater depths is a very likely possibility.

The weight of anchor and chain shackles while dropping may accelerate the free fall pay out to such a speed and energy that stopping it with available manual break is impossible.

It is a general advise to pay out the chain having windlass engaged and putting anchor on the bottom on big, large and very large ships in greater depths.

I think it is common sense for the joining master to take a walk and examine the windlass motor plaque with data on it and even if not understanding it , ask the Cheng and ETO to translate it into how much in mt the motor can lift.

The rule of thumb is the weight of 3-3.5 shackles and the weight of an anchor what can be found in the blue prints and shipyard documantation. 3.5x 27.5 = 96.25 mtrs.
That is the lenght of chain you can safely pay out and lift using the motor.

I have anchored at 100mtrs depth in Pireaus anchorage as it was so packed with ships , there was no room in shallower waters . My ship was tiny 1700 teu boat and even then i was careful because of the motor limitation. You screw it and your motor will not have power to lift it. Then what??

I have not done it at greater then 100 mtr depths therefore I am not sure tho motor brake can hold more then 4 shackles at depths like 160-180 mtrs.

Therefore with the first cable I am sure it is highly unlikely they did it. But even if they di,d one look at Dr.Sal edited video clip with nautical details shows many cables along this ship route. Seems to me these were lucky cables and lucky pipes to me .

To achieve such high precision targeting of two specific cables dragging 180 mtrs of cable with anchor seems like a myth to me.

Examine Dr.Sal video .It is all there including weather. Max speed of this vessel is may be abt 13 kts in loaded cond. With conditions given wich were not " mild" and up to 3 mtrs waves , slowing down to 6-7 kts is not unthinkable as bulkers had much weaker |M/E HP wise then container ships.

To speed I would add mommentum and energy.

I am a bit skeptical about the " bent" as I thought that before anchor claw bends the anchor chain breaks first . But on this particular pic it looks to me one of the claws is bent slightly .

But this fact can not serve as a proof . It could but as per Dr.Sal video she anchored twice in Russia befor her final departure . Why ?? and what for seems a valid question.

You anchor waiting for berth, waiting for orders while empty but once You loaded cargo You get the hell out of the port and press the pedal to the metal called max revs weather and safety permitting on voyage charter unless instructed otherwise by the Owners. What if they bent it there or in other place?? Hence some forensic examination and probe is a must. If tech gurus can determine using science in which tank was your fuel that leaked and you were photographed from the plane on Bay of Biscay causing pollution then i think finding forensic evidence of anchor catching the cable should be easy as pie. So where is the problem ??? I do not understand .

It is mentioned in Dr.Sal video but not precisely. But looks she got the pilot .

This time I am not betting as I am sure it never will. :wink:

I had a German shepherd once . Moved exactly same way in the garden never tireing.

It is very strange . Got german cpt once who told me proudly; do you know mate we “The Germans” , we have better alphabet then yours.
Why do you think so i asked.
Our alphabet does not start with a letter A!!! it starts with letter “S” , and do you know mr. mate what a letter “S” stands for ???
I had no effing clue Herr Kapitan I said.

“S” stands for SPAREN!!! the word which You Polaks will never understand and which does not even exist in your vocabulary. Hast du verstanden? oder nichts verstanden
mein kleiner Pole?
And having said that He had given me a plastic tube -sort of extention to connect to the 4 cm leftover of a pencil which i wanted to put in a waste bin.

Having sai that , I think it is unbelieveble or something terrible has happened in Germany. :wink:


Now I know why my innocent comments in local news and explanations regarding the cable cutter incident are all deleted and banned.

Poland’s PM Proposes Navy Policing in Baltic Sea Amid Russia Threat

As they contradict the common concensus and believes of politicians and leaders of the PL and three Baltic states ,otherwise referred to as the little four loudest yapping chihuahua dogs barking ad noseam day and night : russia , putin , russia, russia and screaming to invoke art. 5 .

And You Guys here , You better be careful what this fella we call Helmut behind Trump is selling You :wink:

Is Donald pointing a make-believe gun at The Donald"?