There is no s on merchant marine, please get it correct.
The movie you’re thinking of is titled Action In The North Atlantic and it is way past time for an update.
All of the miniseries listed have done very well, this one would likely do well too
If you’ll remember “Action in the North Atlantic” featured vessels from multiple allied nations. There’s a whole scene with these different nationalities crews meeting up to plan the convoy.
Years ago they use to show it every July,4 on SUNY’s Empire State during summer cruise (maybe they still do). As far as I could see very few cadets were able to appreciate the sacrifice MM guys did during that war.
Here’s one about MM and covoys. John Wayne as an AB, struggling unsuccessfully with a Norwegian accent:
Here’s another movie with John Wayne in the MM. Only this time he is the captain–of a Nazi merchant ship (no accent this time):
Here’s a near-forgotten movie about the USMM. No war. The story is about a new third mate going on a ship. He later suspects the amiable captain is going mad. Spoiler alert: Features murder by chain locker.
Greyhound was set aboard a navy destroyer, granted they were escorting a convoy, but it was still a Navy and not a merchant marine film.
Besides, Hanks made Saving Private Ryan, he still made Band of Brothers
I saw The Long Voyage Home, if I remember correctly it was based on a Eugene O’Neil play, and was about British mariners. In the Sea Chase, didn’t Wayne play a German?
At any rate none of that means there can’t be a Band of Brothers, The Pacific, Masters of The Air type mini series about U.S. merchant mariners in WW2
Action In the North Atlantic also has some memorable scenes with Allan Hale, Sr doing his best to avoid ex wife number 3? 4? A comedic touch that was appreciated. Also, when the captain gets home after being torpedoed and wants nothing more than an uninterrupted sleep in his own bed…
Nobody even mentioned “The Captain’s Paradise” with Alec Guinness as a ferry boat Captain with 2 wives transiting Gibraltar to Tunisia, a classic old favorite!!
I watched “The Long Voyage Home”. One character got shanghaied, ended up on a boat that got torpedoed. Robert Ruark, a North Carolina author spent time on a freighter before WWII. Said they carried sheep manure and scrap iron to Germany that was used to make gunpowder and weapons for the Nazis. Later on, he was a gunnery officer on a MM ship. He used the lessons his grandfather taught him about how to lead and shoot a duck to train gunners.
People in the Merchant Marine are not merchants and not Marines. The Marine Hospital system served merchant mariners, not US Marines, who were accompanied in combat by US Navy Medical Corps enlisted Hospital Corps personnel. It might help to use “Maritime” instead of “Marine” as a descriptive term.