Algoma Verity aground off Philly

This NW wind has been pushing the water out where I am, it’s 2 1/2 - 3 ft lower than normal. I wonder if they are having this issue up in the Delaware as well. The ship looks to be on the Philly side which is normally the deeper side.

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That’s where it ran aground ? Theres plenty of water there

Bulk Carrier Carrying 45,000 Tons of Salt Runs Aground in Delaware River

Coast Guard, partners responding to aground cargo ship in Philadelphia > United States Coast Guard News > Press Releases

Cargo ship runs aground in Delaware River - WHYY

Cargo ship runs aground in Delaware River, just north of the Ben Franklin Bridge in Philadelphia

That’s what I thought too. Maybe all this wind has blown the water out.

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Atleast 4 ballest tanks on the ship were breached during the grounding

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Oh wow

They must gotten the ship off the bottom, it’s at Tioga terminal now.

The wind finally let up, they should have gotten enough water after that.

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I have zero local knowledge of the area, but looking at this screen shot of their AIS track and grounding location, I’m just curious if, in your opinion, your statement would still be true.

They also seemed to do a “bump and go” a bit further downriver shortly before this.


Generally everyone favors the reds from the Walt Whitman bridge running through the anchorage to keep speed off Penn’s landing, then will stay tight on red past the Ben Franklin bridge because the green side it right on the shoreline zero forgiveness on that side of the channel. Most tug and barges will run outside this area leaving leaving the whole channel for the ships