Air travel to the persian gulf

Why anyone would go to Dubai unless its a job requirement I have no idea. But when I get on the plane, the guy next to me needs to be able to at least fit the seat well enough to lower the arm rest. And I’m not here to snuggle for 14 hours. Like a big pussy I went in search of another seat and luckily found one. Otherwise I would have been permanently bent sideways like the elephant man when the plane landed at Bakersfield by the bay. I had a good laugh the next day when I found out he was one of our own, sent to work on computers or some such mess
It won’t happen a second time.

Don’t beat yourself up for moving. He probably appreciated the room, himself. Muscle cramps ain’t no fun!

[QUOTE=catherder;113089]Don’t beat yourself up for moving. He probably appreciated the room, himself. Muscle cramps ain’t no fun![/QUOTE]

I forgave myself and could care less if he develops muscular distrophy. But regardless of whether I’m traveling on orders or not, the oversized passenger moves and not me. Otherwise I’m stepping off the plane.