Hello. I currently have a master 100 ton near coastal and am taking courses in AB, STCW (BST) and LB. These are courses offered by Maine Maritime Academy and I’ll complete them by mid April. My sea service time for Unlimited comes from over four years of sea service in the CG. I am looking towards local tug companies or coastal bulk or tanker services. I have been told that for coastal routes, STCW isn’t necessary but most actual job postings list it as a requirement so I am taking it anyway. I am also willing to take RFPNW as needed but I understand I should only take that if offered employment where I can use it as it isn’t renewable. I also have my TWIC and a current passport. Due to the economy, I am making this mid-life adjustment and would prefer to stay in or near Maine where I live with my family. My wife and I have discussed and agreed that if the right opportunity comes up, I would travel and leave the family in Maine while I do what needs to be done.
A strong part of my interest lies in the opportunities for advancement. I see outfits like MSC advertising their efforts to promote from within but I see alot of talk on this and other forums about how difficult it is to be a hawsepiper. BTW, I know MSC doesn’t fit with what I just described above but it is one of those career moves that would be considered.
I guess the long and short here is there seem to be many different ways to go and I am not sure I am doing the right thing here. My thoughts are to go as;
AB tugs and work towards master of towing
AB bulk/tanker and work towards 3rd? or MAster 1600? Not sure
AB to eventual pilot? Not sure here either what is required.
Any advise is sincerely appreicated. Thanks