70 Year Old Solo Sailor

I know that this was posted when he first started out and I agree that he is nuts and a danger to shipping when he takes his “45” minute nap but found it interesting to see how much is speed has varied during the trip so far.


Maybe because I’m using my phone, but how do you tell the speed???

Click on the “Last known Position” icon and it will pull up current data.

Last update has him chugging along at 6.3 knts and half way to Africa.

Time to call BS.

The tracker says he is now cooking along at 9.0 knots.

Let’s see…max hull speed = 1.34x(square root of wl)

assume wl of a 45’ monohull sailboat = 39’.

Therefore: 1.34x(sr 39) = 1.34x6.2 = 8.3 knots max hull speed.


[QUOTE=Tugs;126234]…found it interesting to see how much is speed has varied during the trip so far.


I’ve heard that the wind doesn’t always blow in the same direction or at the same speed…

[QUOTE=jdcavo;126324]I’ve heard that the wind doesn’t always blow in the same direction or at the same speed…[/QUOTE]

No Shit, is that what is going on. LOL

I have been bored sitting at home so I have been checking on this guys progress. As of his last update it looks like his non-stop trip has ended. From his last position it looks like he is in Cape Town South Africa. I wonder what made him end his Solo Non-Stop sail around the world?

Well, after a little searching I found this. http://stanleyparis.blogspot.com/

It looks like he had some pretty substantial damage plus an injury to himself.

As most of us on hear though, this was a crazy thing for anyone never mind a Seventy Year Old. I am glad that he made it to port with out causing any major incidents.

Before you call bs get some experience. I’ve done 11 steady on a 41 foot sailboat. Your perfect world formula from ship structure doesn’t take into account many things, like waves. It also assumes a displacement hull form.

[QUOTE=steeltoesonplanes;128839]Before you call bs get some experience. I’ve done 11 steady on a 41 foot sailboat. Your perfect world formula from ship structure doesn’t take into account many things, like waves. It also assumes a displacement hull form.[/QUOTE]

Not to mention set and drift. I assume the tracker is giving course and speed over ground, not through the water. I don’t know where he is, because I haven’t looked, but if he were say, in the gulf stream for example, he could be doing way more than 9 knots, or even 11 for that matter. I’ve seen mono-hull sailboats a lot bigger than 45 feet get pretty close to what I’d call a planing. Nothing surprises me about sailboats anymore, they’re a lot more awesome machines than they’re credited for.