A 70+ year old sailor onboard the S/V KIWI SPIRIT left St. Augustine Florida the other day in an attempt to go around the world nonstop, sleeping only 45 minutes at a time for 120+ days. http://stanleyparis.com/
It would be interesting to hear from any ocean going vessels about near misses or other incidents that may occur during one of his “45 minute” naps on watch. ZZZzzzzzz.
His eulogy will go something like this: ‘He was a dreamer who died doing what he loved…’ or some such nonsense.
Reckless is the only word to describe this. This would be a hell of a challenge for a 30 yo. At 70, it’s suicide. Weather, ship traffic, mechanical failure, flotsam, loneliness, exposure, sickness, injury, sleep deprivation - all spell disaster.
It’s really not fair to the seafarers who have to drop everything to either assist or recover (the body) of this fool. Perhaps after a week or so he’ll come to his senses and head back home.
[QUOTE=c.captain;125846]he has the spirit of Captain Robin Walbridge aboard to stand watch alongside him![/QUOTE]
And soon joining the spirit of Captain Robin Walbridge.
Seriously - Why alone? I get wanting adventure - but share that adventure with like minded mavericks. The likelihood of a successful outcome would be greatly enhanced.
I wonder if they would recognize someone for the fastest drive cross country while legally drunk, high on crystal meth or texting the whole way? How about at the same time?
[QUOTE=DeckApe;125864]I wonder if they would recognize someone for the fastest drive cross country while legally drunk, high on crystal meth or texting the whole way? How about at the same time?[/QUOTE]
I got no recognition at all. Oh, wait. . . . . .
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[QUOTE=jbranscum;125858]Didn’t they say that when Paul Walker died?[/QUOTE]