3rd AE. PIC?

Does a fresh minted 3AE come out of school with PIC? In your experience is it valuable? Should a new cadet strive to get PIC? Of course, but what is your experience?

[QUOTE=cappy208;60351]Does a fresh minted 3AE come out of school with PIC? In your experience is it valuable? Should a new cadet strive to get PIC? Of course, but what is your experience?[/QUOTE]

It is possible, but probably extremely rare. They would need to meet the same requirements for PIC as anyone else. But, the same PIC course that deck cadets must take can be taken as an elective by engineers. if they do so, and if they also manage to get 90 days on a tank ship and the 10 required cargo transfers, they can qualify for PIC. But as I noted, that’s a lot of ifs that have to be met for this to happen.

From my own and now dated experience (3rd/2nd/Chief Mate on tankers for 10 years before the Tankerman-PIC endorsement existed) it’s valuable. The more familiar a new 3rd (mate or engineer) is with what the ship does, the shorter their learning curven when they first start out. And if they keep with tankers, they will need it when they get to 1st AE.

When I came out of Cal Maritime in 08’ I graduated with a Tankerman-Assist endorsement. If I would have taken the required courses as electives, did my 90 days on a tanker, as well as received my sign offs for loads and discharges, I would have also graduated with the PIC endorsement. In the past four years I have been sailing, I have only ran into one instance where it would have been a benefit to have it. My previous employers policy was that all licensed officers were to have their PIC. With my current company, only senior officers were required to have it. All that being said, I am about to file my paperwork to renew as well as upgrade to 2nd engineer Steam and Motor unlimited, in addition to applying for the Tankerman PIC endorsement. It is not a bad endorsement to have as an engineer as it makes you marketable.

A lot of mates I graduated with got thier PIC when they graduated because they did thier commercial on tankers with the 5 loads and discharges. The tanker company I work for now won’t hire a mate without a PIC. They also won’t hire a 1st or Chief without tanker man engineer.

I didn’t know there was a pic engineer endorsement. I am just trying to steer my Cadet into (while he’s here) getting his load/discharges documented since he’s going to coincidentaly be here for 60 days.

[QUOTE=cappy208;60512]I didn’t know there was a pic engineer endorsement.[/QUOTE]

46 CFR 13

Company rules trump the CFRs if more demanding. I need at least a Tankerman engineer (but have a PIC) and Tankship Safety course, plus IGS/COW.