2014 Light List and NTM updates

So the latest NTM (msi.nga.mil) has corrections for 2013 “Light List VI,” but I just discovered that my tug as the 2014 Light List VI. Soooo, where are the corrections that apply to that one?

My experience has been that Light list and Coast Pilots generally get published and issued a couple of months before the NTM catches up. If you check the Pub affected page of that particular NTM you will probably find it is still listing the 2013 Pub. Wait a month. You can always verify the necessary corrections to the edition down the road by checking the Pubs affected by section. I find it great for charts too.

I download the updates as they are published, and retain the LNM’s containing said corrections. There is a USCG policy letter on maintaining electronic pubs; pretty straightforward. I do the same for coast pilot, although I find errors in that thing every time I look at it. This keeps things neat and clean, no tape/pen messes.

Light list from navcen, coast pilot from NOAA.


Written by a respected guy in my biz: http://captbbrucato.wordpress.com/2011/06/13/how-to-correct-your-publications-and-save-a-tree/