Currently hold my 200 ton inland master, with 100 ton near coastal, with sailing, towing, wiper, stew, and OS endorsements on my ticket. Just registered for an STCW basic course, and 1 week of 500 ton review at MERTS in Astoria. Currently working on Radio man, Radar man, and my RYA offshore certificate.
I have a spreadsheet going on sea time forms that keeps track of ones that are submitted already, and also ones that are signed but not submitted. All my sea time forms are as master.
total days 1061
Days over 50 ton are 191
Days over 101 ton are 176
Trying to read the colreg but don’t quite understand if a qualify for my 500 ton license? any help greatly appreciated …
Admittedly I am an engineer, but from my reading of the checklists found on NMC’s website, you don’t.
I will add that in looking at some of your sea time, you have been doing some sailing/delivery work that really require an Oceans license. Maybe you should start there and get that endorsement.
Basic Training? If you want the STCW endorsement for Master Less Than 500 GT, you are going to need a LOT more than that. See 46 CFR 11.317 and NVIC 13-14.
If you want the STCW endorsement for Master 500 GT to 3,000 GT you will need even more, including first getting the STCW endorsement for officer in charge of a navigational watch. See 46 CFR 11.311 and 11.309 and also NVICs 11-14 and 12-14.
By the way, you only need to post your question once, not 4 separate times.