I have a 100 ton Master/Near Coastal. In order to go to work in the oil patch, should I get STCW certification or AB Limited next. I’m not sure about the order in which to get this training. Any advice would be appreciated.<br><br>Thanks
What do you want to do, sail on your license or get an AB job on an OSV? Do you have time on vessels over 100 tons?<br><br>I don’t think you need STCW to run Near Coastal vessels under 100 GRT, and you can’t get an AB Limited unless you have time on vessels over 100 gross tons. Find a job as a crewboat captain and then take it from there. Pester the training department and take all the classes you can courtesy of the company. STCW on the street will cost you $25,000.00. Let someone else pay for it as part of your employment package.
Thanks for the reply Doug,<br><br>I have about 2500 days on boats over 500 tons, just not recently.<br><br>$25,000 for STCW??? Wow, I don’t want it that bad.<br><br>I guess the AB isn’t worth anything without STCW unless I’m going for a 500 ton or bigger license. So I’ll have to see what I can find in the way of 100 ton jobs and a get-paid-while-training deal.<br><br>Thanks again…
Don’t discount your prior seatime, it MAY count but not for recency, depending on what type it was. <br><br>Nothing is worth anything without STCW. STCW is your most important document these days. Isn’t it fun?<br><br>Good luck!<br><br>D
<P>We could help you better if you would give us more info. <br>like, are you looking for a a/b job or looking for a 100T capt job.<br><br>also STCW classes can be taken for alot less that 25K at a state community college</P>
Of course I’d like to put my 100 ton license to work in the GOM or elsewhere, but I was just wondering if having the STCW and/or AB would make me more “marketable”. Like a lot of other people these days, I’m looking for a long term, stable job with good benefits that pays pretty good. <br>That’s not asking too much…is it? ;-)<br>
<P>To work your 100t you do not need STCW. Would it help only if you plan on getting your AB and/or upgrade. There are lot of companies that only have 100t vessels so they don’t care if you have it or not. My younger brother has a 100t making over 300 a day. He tells me they are in need of 100t captains.<br><br>good luck </P>
Before you can work as an A/B on a vessel 200 tons & above you must have completed STCW courses & RFPNW (Rating Forming Part of a Navigational Watch) booklet. As far as the 100 ton Masters ticket thats up to you what you want to do. Yes there are plenty jobs that require an 100 ton, but if you want to upgrade and move up, get with a company that will help you get your STCW. There are some companys that pay your classes. Just have to get with the right one. Good Luck with your job huntin!
Thanks for the replies, chaos and Cap. I’m considering my options and looking for the best place to spend the next 15 or 20 years. I’ve worked for only two outfits in the past thirty-five years and one more is what I’m looking for.<br><br>I’m fixin’ to renew my 1600 ton fishing vessel license and then get STCW and AB limited, then upgrade to whatever I can, tonnage-wise. I like big boats. I’ve been on stuff from 145’ (converted WWII minesweeper) to 180’ Pogy Boat (pretty comfortable, believe it or not!) The bigger the better, comfort and pay. And I like both.<br><br>Everybody’s input is appreciated.<br><br>Thanks