Congrads on being a Master Mariner. I always have been amazed with anyone who can
obtain both an Unlimited Masters License as well as an Unlimited Chief Engineers License.
Kudos to you!
You clearly don’t understand what it means to be a master mariner of you keep propagating that myth.
While attending a homecoming USMMA football game to see my son play. , I met an old timer alumni dual license grad on the bus from the airport, A pure effing pleasure. Seeing him and his wife on the field with the surviving members of his class made one think fondly about the path he took.
there are a few Norwegians with both
I agree, very few from whatever country they hail from. Impressive no matter where they come from.
I went to Maritime school with one of the first Norwegians to have dual license.
He was exceptionally sharp and had the best result ever obtained in Norway at the final exam, earning him a gold watch from Norwegian Shipowner’s Association.
After serving in the Norwegian navy as Commander on an MTB, he worked as 1st Officer for Høegh Line, who sponsored him for the dual license scheme.
He then served as both 2nd Engineer and Chief Officer. (not at the same time),
Unfortunately he died from cancer at the age of 32. (What a waste of a brilliant mind)