USCG asking for mariners to form panel to provide guidance to licensing issues.Here is a copy of what is in the link.
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USCG-2011-0171’’ in the Keyword'' box. Click
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If you submit your comments by mail or hand delivery, submit them in an
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like to know that they reached the Facility, please enclose a stamped,
self-addressed postcard or envelope. We will consider all comments and
material received during the comment period.
Viewing Comments and Documents
To view comments, as well as documents mentioned in this preamble
as being available in the docket, go to,
click on the read comments'' box, which will then become highlighted in blue. In the
Keyword’’ box insert USCG-2011-0171'' and click
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You may also visit the Docket Management Facility in Room W12-140 on
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Privacy Act
Anyone can search the electronic form of comments received into any
of our dockets by the name of the individual submitting the comment (or
signing the comment, if submitted on behalf of an association,
business, labor union, etc.). You may review a Privacy Act notice
regarding our public dockets in the January 17, 2008, issue of the
Federal Register (73 FR 3316).
Establishment of the Committee
For the reasons set forth below, the Secretary of Homeland Security
has determined that the establishment of the MERPAC is necessary and in
the public interest. This determination follows consultation with the
Committee Management Secretariat, General Services Administration.
The MERPAC is being established in accordance with the provisions
of the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) 5 U.S.C. App. (Pub. L. 92-
463). The MERPAC will act in an advisory capacity to the Secretary of
the Department of Homeland Security through the Commandant of the Coast
Guard and the Director of Commercial Regulations and Standards on
matters relating to personnel in the U.S. merchant marine, including
but not limited to training, qualifications, certification,
documentation, and fitness standards. The MERPAC will provide focused
recommendations to relevant maritime personnel issues and we anticipate
that it will be very responsive to the Coast Guard’s need for
recommendations on short turn-around issues. The Committee’s unique
industry perspective will provide critical support to the Coast Guard’s
efforts to ensure the safety of the U.S. merchant marine. This
information would otherwise have to be drawn from the broad population
involved in merchant vessel personnel matters. There is no other
current entity which can provide the level of technical expertise and
experience that is afforded by this advisory committee.
Balanced Membership Plans
The Committee membership is mandated by its charter and consists of
nineteen (19) members appointed by the Secretary of Homeland Security
as follows: a. Nine active U.S. Merchant
[[Page 16435]]
Mariners including: (1) Three deck officers who represent the viewpoint
of merchant marine deck officers, two of whom shall be licensed for
oceans any gross tons, one of whom shall be licensed for inland or
river route with a limited or unlimited tonnage, two of whom must have
master’s license or a master of towing vessels license, and one of whom
must have significant tanker experience; and, to the extent
practicable, one of these deck officers shall represent the point of
view of labor and another shall represent a management perspective; (2)
three engineering officers who represent the viewpoint of merchant
marine engineering officers, two of whom shall be licensed as chief
engineer any horsepower, one of whom shall be licensed as either a
limited chief engineer or a designated duty engineer; and, to the
extent practicable, one of these engineers shall represent a labor
point of view and another shall represent a management perspective; (3)
two unlicensed seamen, including one who represents the viewpoint of
Able-Bodied Seamen and one who represents the viewpoint of Qualified
Members of the Engine Department; and (4) one Pilot who represents the
viewpoint of merchant marine pilots. b. Six Marine Educators,
including: (1) Three who represent the viewpoint of Maritime Academies,
two of whom shall represent State Maritime Academies, and one of whom
may represent either the State Maritime Academies or the Federal
Maritime Academy; and (2) three who represent the viewpoint of other
maritime training institutions, one of whom shall represent the
viewpoint of the small vessel industry. c. Two individuals who
represent the viewpoint of shipping companies employed in ship
operation management. d. Two members who are drawn from the general