The illfated EVER GIVEN reached east China’s coastal city of Qingdao Oct 4th for repairs…!
Looks like the sand in the Suez Canal is harder than you thought:
That pic says/shows a bit.
Yesterday, ‘Ever Given’ went into the dry-dock.
Typical collision damages of a bulbous bow after contact with a solid canal wall, i.e. buckled shell plates. Easy to repair.
On the pictures above:
At least the foremost bow thruster is in the ruined section - on the visible port side.
The collision bulkhead is the aft part of the fore peak. In this case, if the bow thrusters are located in the fore peak, if they had extended the double bottom into the fore peak, the fore peak would not have been flooded at this incident.
Your last post demonstrates a complete lack of comprehension or understanding regarding modern day ship construction.
The photo appears to indicate that the collision bulkhead has been breached thus flooding the bow thruster void directly aft of it. This would explain the class speed restrictions placed on the vessel post Suez.
The twin thruster tunnels are visible just aft of the damage.
Maybe the two EG bow thrusters are located in a space between the fore peak/collision aft bulkhead and the #1 hold fwd bulkhead but the best design is to extend the double bottom between forward of the #1 hold fwd bulkhead and the collision bulkhead. Actually the best ship design is to extend the double bottom into any fore peak.of any ship. The bottom of any fore peak should be a void space as collision/grounding protection;
The GA is probably very close to this example of a Maersk design:
Thanks. The two bow thrusters are fwd in and below the #1 hold. above the double bottom. Access is via a cofferdam between the fore peak and the hold bulkheads. Very good. There is no double bottom in the fore peak, even if it would be be,beneficial with one. I assume only the fore peak was flooded at the Suez grounding/collision incident. No panic at all. I hope owners didn’t pay SCA $700 millions to get away.
Thank you Ausmariner
If only they had stopped the ship and gently drifted into the bank…
The six bladed prop and semi-balanced rudder appear to be reasonably close to the baseline. They were dead lucky, considering the stern’s proximity to the western batter, that the “expensive end” remained intact.
it just needs a little nose job and it will be fine.
Just now, ‘Ever Given’ is some miles off Shanghai, destination Yangshan, a Shanghai container port.
She entered the dry-dock at Qingdao on October 17. It seems for more than ‘a little nose job’, probably for an entire new nose. During her long voyage from Europe, they had enough time to fabricate the complicated new nose, at Qingdao.
Yes, prefabrication was the only explanation for such a relatively speedy repair. There would have been complications with the flooded bow thruster void and machinery etc.