Vanuatu Flagged US vessels?

I saw a thread about the Island Enforcer changing its flag form Norway to Vanuatu. The HOS vessels also have Vanuatu flags. Does anybody know why these companies choose this flag over US? Is it so they can leave the US, work elswhere and come back? Also, does anyone know what Edison Chouest’s plans are for the Island Enforcer?


I heard a couple of weeks ago that it was going to Trinidad, but that is just scuttlebut. As far as the Vanuatu Flag I have no idea.

Thanks chemcarrier!

I had just heard about Trinidad also but Chouest still dealing with the contract. I wonder what project it will be working on there?

They re-flag because it’s cheaper to operate. The manning requirements are less and they can employ foreign seafarers.

[QUOTE=Marc0;50619]They re-flag because it’s cheaper to operate. The manning requirements are less and they can employ foreign seafarers.[/QUOTE]

You have no idea of what you’re talking about.

[QUOTE=anchorman;50623]You have no idea of what you’re talking about.[/QUOTE]

No that sounds about right to me. Dont forget that every american maritime company out there would rather pay some phillipino deckhand $75 a day than an american AB $250+ a day.

[QUOTE=KennyW1983;50626]No that sounds about right to me. Dont forget that every american maritime company out there would rather pay some phillipino deckhand $75 a day than an american AB $250+ a day.[/QUOTE]

I lean towards Anchorman, I have also heard that Chouest is manning this vessel with US mariners. Anyone working for Chouest have any insight to this?

[QUOTE=valem002;50627]I lean towards Anchorman, I have also heard that Chouest is manning this vessel with US mariners. Anyone working for Chouest have any insight to this?[/QUOTE]

100% US Mariners…The Captain told me.

[QUOTE=anchorman;50629]100% US Mariners…The Captain told me.[/QUOTE]

Thought so. Thanks Anchorman! Do you have any info on my original post about the Vanuatu flag issue with these vessels in US or what the Island Enforcer will be doing in Trinidad?

[QUOTE=valem002;50615]I saw a thread about the Island Enforcer changing its flag form Norway to Vanuatu. The HOS vessels also have Vanuatu flags. Does anybody know why these companies choose this flag over US? Is it so they can leave the US, work elswhere and come back? Also, does anyone know what Edison Chouest’s plans are for the Island Enforcer?


There are a multitude of reason why a vessel changes flags, but there are a few things to know when operating on the US OCS - regardless of flag, if the vessel is US owned, it must be crewed by US mariners. Which flag may be dictated by something as simple as the US company already having a DOC for a certain flag, making the Change of Flag survey a little bit easier, when done by the class society.
With Norway in particular, it will be very difficult to crew with US mariners because of the nature of their licensing and mustering process. You would have to go to a consulate, in person, to recieve mustering papers, not to mention the NMD health certificate. Chances are, the consulate has no clue of the process and will need help from Norway. NMD is worse that NMC by the way. I got a Norwegian Master CEC, it is one hell of a process…and that was done in Norway with the help of a Norwegian Maritime Law instructor at my side.

You can change to US flag, that is something that is explored often, just for the fact your in-line with domestic requirements, but you cannot achieve a Coast Wise “Jones Act” endorsement. There is little value in doing this, and will certainly change design feature in the vessel, for nothing in return. Even a US flagged vessel that flags out, a US built vessel even, if you go overseas, and choose to come back later, you do not get your Jones Act status back…you can wave that one bye-bye. So, there is no value either way.

[QUOTE=anchorman;50632]There are a multitude of reason why a vessel changes flags, but there are a few things to know when operating on the US OCS - regardless of flag, if the vessel is US owned, it must be crewed by US mariners. Which flag may be dictated by something as simple as the US company already having a DOC for a certain flag, making the Change of Flag survey a little bit easier, when done by the class society.
With Norway in particular, it will be very difficult to crew with US mariners because of the nature of their licensing and mustering process. You would have to go to a consulate, in person, to recieve mustering papers, not to mention the NMD health certificate. Chances are, the consulate has no clue of the process and will need help from Norway. NMD is worse that NMC by the way. I got a Norwegian Master CEC, it is one hell of a process…and that was done in Norway with the help of a Norwegian Maritime Law instructor at my side.

You can change to US flag, that is something that is explored often, just for the fact your in-line with domestic requirements, but you cannot achieve a Coast Wise “Jones Act” endorsement. There is little value in doing this, and will certainly change design feature in the vessel, for nothing in return. Even a US flagged vessel that flags out, a US built vessel even, if you go overseas, and choose to come back later, you do not get your Jones Act status back…you can wave that one bye-bye. So, there is no value either way.[/QUOTE]

That answers my question, Thank you

[QUOTE=anchorman;50629]100% US Mariners…The Captain told me.[/QUOTE]

Anchorman, you ARE the Captain.

[QUOTE=BMCSRetired;50643]Anchorman, you ARE the Captain.[/QUOTE]

I enjoy watching illiterate people eat alphabet soup.

[QUOTE=anchorman;50632]… if the vessel is US owned, it must be crewed by US mariners. [/QUOTE]

Somebody better tell all those U.S. companies with foreign flag ships…

Please provide references to this effect.

Now, if you are talking U.S. [I]flagged[/I], it’s a whole different animal…

[QUOTE=uberTurtle;50695]Somebody better tell all those U.S. companies with foreign flag ships…

Please provide references to this effect.

Now, if you are talking U.S. [I]flagged[/I], it’s a whole different animal…[/QUOTE]

What US owned vessel working on the US OCS are you referring to with foreign crew?..we can look it up right now and file a complaint.

Title 33: Navigation and Navigable Waters
Subpart A—Restrictions on Employment

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§ 141.15 Restrictions on employment.

(a) Each employer of personnel on any unit engaged in OCS activities that is subject to this part must employ, as members of the regular complement of the unit, only citizens of the United States or resident aliens except as provided by §141.20.

(b) As used in paragraph (a) of this section, “regular complement of a unit” means those personnel necessary for the routine functioning of the unit, including marine officers and crew; industrial personnel on the unit, such as toolpushers, drillers, roustabouts, floor hands, crane operators, derrickmen, mechanics, motormen, and general maintenance personnel; and support personnel on the unit, such as cooks, stewards and radio operators. The term does not include specialists, professionals, or other technically trained personnel called in to handle emergencies or other temporary operations; extra personnel on a unit for training; and other personnel temporarily on a unit for specialized operations, such as construction, alteration, well logging, or unusual repairs or emergencies.

© The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may determine whether a particular individual or position is part of the regular complement of a unit. A copy of the determination is provided to the owner or operator of the unit affected.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control number 2130–0182)
[CGD 78–160, 47 FR 9379, Mar. 4, 1982, as amended by USCG–1998–3799, 63 FR 35530, June 30, 1998]

Ah - missed the OCS - my error. Thought you were talking about U.S, owned vessels in general.

My question has always been why Vanuatu is a particular favorite for flagging dive support and subsea vessels and that Marshall Islands is the flag of choice for drillships/rigs working in the Gulf of Mexico?

Just like the Caymans flags most yachts

You don’t say!?

You don’t say?!