[QUOTE=uberTurtle;50695]Somebody better tell all those U.S. companies with foreign flag ships…
Please provide references to this effect.
Now, if you are talking U.S. [I]flagged[/I], it’s a whole different animal…[/QUOTE]
What US owned vessel working on the US OCS are you referring to with foreign crew?..we can look it up right now and file a complaint.
Title 33: Navigation and Navigable Waters
Subpart A—Restrictions on Employment
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§ 141.15 Restrictions on employment.
(a) Each employer of personnel on any unit engaged in OCS activities that is subject to this part must employ, as members of the regular complement of the unit, only citizens of the United States or resident aliens except as provided by §141.20.
(b) As used in paragraph (a) of this section, “regular complement of a unit” means those personnel necessary for the routine functioning of the unit, including marine officers and crew; industrial personnel on the unit, such as toolpushers, drillers, roustabouts, floor hands, crane operators, derrickmen, mechanics, motormen, and general maintenance personnel; and support personnel on the unit, such as cooks, stewards and radio operators. The term does not include specialists, professionals, or other technically trained personnel called in to handle emergencies or other temporary operations; extra personnel on a unit for training; and other personnel temporarily on a unit for specialized operations, such as construction, alteration, well logging, or unusual repairs or emergencies.
© The Officer in Charge, Marine Inspection, may determine whether a particular individual or position is part of the regular complement of a unit. A copy of the determination is provided to the owner or operator of the unit affected.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under OMB control number 2130–0182)
[CGD 78–160, 47 FR 9379, Mar. 4, 1982, as amended by USCG–1998–3799, 63 FR 35530, June 30, 1998]