Looking for information about UNITED OCEAN SERVICES, any info good or bad. The three bulk ships look old from what I have found.
Thanks for any input.
I went to school with an AB from there, he said it was the best place he had ever worked. Couldn’t say enough good things about it. Didn’t hear much about pay or boat condition.
I have a couple classmates that have worked there or work there currently. On the bulk carriers you can expect older equipment and long rotations, 120 days plus sometimes. However, the pay is competitive and you get to see all different areas of world, carrying all kinds of things. If you end up working on the inland division, they run quite a few bulk ATB’s. My friend is Chief Mate on one carrying coal in the Gulf of Mexico. He does a 28/28 rotation. The ATB’s seem to do a lot of grain, coal, and other bulk stuff to the Caribbean and South America.
I did a quick look at what they are running. One of their bulkers is the old SUGAR ISLANDER that used to run on the west coast. The other one is the old PRIDE OF TEXAS, built at Levingston in Orange back in the early 80’s.