Union or No Union

I’m finishing up the engineering program at GLMA and trying to decide where to go work and weather or not to join a union. I’ve heard a lot about AMO since they are on most of the boats on the lakes. Can anyone tell me more about working for MEBA or nonunion companies?

there must be at least a dozen old threads on this very subject…please use the search function, find those and read them before asking such a huge open ended question of us again

thank you
the management*

*(not really but eff it all anyway)

[QUOTE=c.captain;99377]there must be at least a dozen old threads on this very subject…please use the search function, find those and read them before asking such a huge open ended question of us again

thank you
the management*

*(not really but eff it all anyway)[/QUOTE]

I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t have much luck with the search function. I use google and include the term “gcaptain fourm”

I would say that you should just concentrate on getting that license first. Once that valuable piece of paper (book) is in your hand, you should just pound the pavement with everyone else and take any job that you can. Experience is what you need and likely have little of at this point. Keep in mind that you are entering a field which has a lot of experienced engineers that are also job searching.

To go union or not is entirely up to you. I sailed many years in MEBA and hold them in high regard. AMO on the other hand, not so much. There are pluses and minuses to either one. A big plus is the paid training at a world class facility (Calhoon MEBA), defined benefit pension, medical, dental, etc. The downside is that there are far less deep sea jobs available now and a lot of people waiting in halls for those jobs. Non-union companies can be very good, sometimes better than a union, and sometimes downright third world-like with little pay and crappy benefits.

Just get out there and get some type of experience, eyes and ears open, continue to learn, work towards upgrading your credentials, and then you’ll be able to be a bit more choosy.

Plenty of jobs in MEBA. As long as you’re willing to ship out during summers and holidays. There are always a few ROS billets available. Also, getting your requirements from the Calhoon School will give you a leg up on beating out better cards for the Maersk and Horizon jobs.

[QUOTE=Kennebec Captain;99380]I don’t know if it’s just me but I don’t have much luck with the search function. I use google and include the term “gcaptain fourm”[/QUOTE]

~ and it works

Have to agree about a lot of jobs in the MEBA. If your willing to work you will get a job. You would have to sit in either NY or LA for the better jobs but they are there. Plenty of tanker jobs for 3rd in all ports and a few box boats out of NY. Take whatever you can until you can get a group 1.

I would say not so much for Horizon. They haven’t been as appealing as they once were. The last few times I have cleared Seattle I have seen 3rds jobs going to brand new applicants. They have been allowing people without requirements take the jobs if they can’t fill it.

Union = Bad in the GOM.

You damn right!

Whatever to happened to the guys who went down to the gulf & tried to organize? They haven’t been seen or heard from since.

They were tarred and feathered.

I always sleep more soundly in my bunk knowing that no matter where I’m working or who I’m working with I can always rely on the fact that I won’t be the only Republican around. God, I love this industry.

Brjones…I know the Horizon steam boats over on the east coast pay pretty well. ATC is always looking for people…even though the HVS/MEP class is always full.

Thankfully those beneath this post took roughly the same amount of time to help this young lad out rather than ridicule him.

Time for some new management.*

(not really). :slight_smile:

They are no longer interested in helping GOM sailors get better wages. Everytime they come down here GOM sailors listen to the “Families” here and get raises because the UNION is around. You would think over time they would’ve figured this out that the only time GOM gets a raise is when the union shows up. Yes they are making good now but that is only cause the CG and DP rules have changed. Not complaining…its just the way it is…Smooth driving all!!

[QUOTE=Tugted;99460]Whatever to happened to the guys who went down to the gulf & tried to organize? They haven’t been seen or heard from since.[/QUOTE]

Your clueless we never got raises because they were down here. All we got was the full frontal “there is no you in unions” speech. We get raises because there is a boom. Then the inevitable bust comes and things are stagnant for a while. Some company’s even cut pay. People leave for land jobs or other sectors of the industry. Then we get another boom and they have to bump up pay scales to attract people back down this way. It’s the ebb and flow of the oilfield and as certain as death and taxes.

Only one thing to say united we bargain divied we beg, Theres a reason the companys don’t want a union

[QUOTE=PaddyWest2012;99466]I always sleep more soundly in my bunk knowing that no matter where I’m working or who I’m working with I can always rely on the fact that I won’t be the only Republican around. God, I love this industry.[/QUOTE]

Not me, I got my monkey wrench handy, works for both parties. :smiley:

[QUOTE=brjones;99395]Have to agree about a lot of jobs in the MEBA. If your willing to work you will get a job. You would have to sit in either NY or LA for the better jobs but they are there. Plenty of tanker jobs for 3rd in all ports and a few box boats out of NY. Take whatever you can until you can get a group 1.[/QUOTE]

That was my format, it worked well for me. I could not believe some of the jobs that went open board. Here I am, ready to go.