<font color="#000000]Hopefully this generates some responses. It appears that mates/ABs are the primary contributors here, but I’ll give it a shot anyway. I just wrote my 3rd A/E Unlimited license (Steam and Motor) and I’m searching for work. However, I’m at a stand-still as I don’t know which route to go. I am unaware of what opportunities MEBA offers (specifically for new applicants), how the system works, etc. If I have to sit in the hall and wait for jobs every time I want to go to work, how long, on average, does one have to wait? Since I don’t reside near a hall, hotel bills, flights, etc. could add up over time. AMOs option of calling me at home is appealing, but that leads to its own issues. </font>
<font color="#000000]AMO seems decent, aside from the fact that they offer virtually no courses for engineers in FL or OH. It’s almost like the engineers are the red-headed stepchild of the organization. They want refrigeration certification for ocean jobs, but they don’t offer it as a course. OK, that’s not hard to get, but it’s the principle. I’m trying to stay away from the MARAD-contracted ships, preferring the commercial side of the industry. </font>
<font color="#000000]I can pay any initiation fee(s) in full upon joining. Any suggestions?</font>
<font color="#000000]That leads me to the non-union issue. I understand there is a lot or work</font> <font color="#000000]in the Gulf, but the offshore/supply boat sector is something completely new to me. All of my experience is on large commercial ships. Obviously the money issue is what has me considering this option.</font> <font color="#000000]That said, I wrote my license so I don’t have to do certain things anymore, predominantly sharing a room. Forgive my ignorance, but is a dedicated cook a part of the normal crew compliment? I’ve heard the stories of everyone sharing cooking detail, which could be a problem for me (I live out of the freezer). Would my unlimited license qualify me for employment on something larger than a crew boat? I have to assume it would affect the pay to some extent.</font>
<font color="#000000]I realize union topics can present some issues, which I don’t mean to exploit, but any honest opinions or suggestions are welcome. I don’t have a preference to any options, just want to explore all avenues before I decide. </font> <font color="#000000]I wouldn’t turn down an opportunity to work for a non-union company, providing the pay/benefits are in line or above normal.</font>
<font color="#000000]Thanks for the help in advance.</font>