I hope someone like Mr Cavo can help me with this question. I have already looked through the CFRs and can not find anything specific to what I need to know. I have just completed a 3 1/2 month tour as master (1600 tons) aboard a South Pacific Tuna Purse Seiner of 1091 GT. I just got my chief mate unlimited license (finally!) right before leaving for that trip. My question is, will my seatime as master on the fishing vessel count at all towards my seatime needed to upgrade to master unlimited? All I can find is relating to sea time as chief mate or as 2nd or 3rd mate- nothing about sailing as master. Also, nothing regarding tonnage. Can anyone tell me where to find out if this time will count? I liked the fishing but might not go back if the time won’t count at all.
Yes sir, it will. All you need is documentation from the owner of the vessel verifying your sea time.
It will count basic sea-time…but you will still need 6 months sea-time as a “Chief Mate” on a vessel of unlimited tonnage that has a COI that requires a “Chief Mate” onboard. Just ask forum member Anchorman, he’s going through this now.
Dear JP-
Though I will defer to the other posts, I find no distinction in credits of sea time from an inspected vessel and an uninspected vessel as defined by the applicable statutes. I tried o upload them but they are too large. If you email me at sgordon@gordon-elias.com, I will send them to you directly.
Wishing You Calm Seas
Since it is by definition an “uninspected fishing vessel” there is no COI therefore no certificate saying that there is any chief mate (or any other rating) required onboard. Wouldn;t you think sailing as master counts as more than chief mate (or 2nd or 3rd mate)? I can not find anything in the CFRs that says anything about this issue. I am hoping someone from the USCG will answer or at least tell me where to look.
Thanks to all