Tthe crew of the Iceberg 1

gcaptain last month postedan article about the M/V Iceberg 1 having now spend two years held by pirates.

The MPHRP ( The Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Programme)stated purpose i:s " to aid seafarers who have been or may be subject to pirate attack."

I send an email “” to the MPHRP
this was the reply:

We continue to support and help the families of the Iceberg I and other vessels involved in this dreadful situation as much as we can.

May I ask from which company/organisation you are from?

Doesn’t seem to be any action anywhere on this - any thoughts?


We should do some sort of petition or something and make a big stink of it. With gCaptain’s reach I bet we can blow it up. I just don’t know whose responsibility it is to doing anything about it, which is why they are still stuck there. But I say we get something going. Ideas?

[QUOTE=Mikey;68537]We should do some sort of petition or something and make a big stink of it. With gCaptain’s reach I bet we can blow it up. I just don’t know whose responsibility it is to doing anything about it, which is why they are still stuck there. But I say we get something going. Ideas?[/QUOTE]

I see that the MPHRP outfit has lots of high horse power backers. What about putting up a web site sponsored by mariners to put some pressure on some of these maritime organizations? I’d be willing to throw in a few bucks to see if the profile of this issue can be raised.
