Trump Says He Told Navy to ‘Shoot Down’ Iranian Boats


You can do whatever you want, but it would end Pax Americana.

Nothing to do with policy. It’s just fuel to maintain the outrage cycle.


Per Oxford: a state of relative international peace regarded as overseen by the US.

This is on its way out already. If allowing our ships to defend themselves is the “straw that breaks the camel’s back”, then so be it.

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Outrage at the Iranian terrorists?

If the threat of the big stick is not enough to keep Iran from attacking your vessel you have lost too much influence on the world stage.

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Agree… Time to employ the big stick… The key is to have leadership to allow full implementation of the stick. If the stick was limited to 2020 rules back in '41-45, then German would be your primary language today.




@Quimby, It’s probably coming to that unfortunately

Do you mean 39-45?

If you are going to follow Roosevelt’s ideology you need better leadership.

You dont start by shooting.

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Not for us.

Not following anybody. Just making the point that it does no good to have a big stick if you’re afraid to use it, which we have been for a long time for fear of “offending”. The quote ‘war is hell’ came about for a reason.


This didn’t just start last week.


Nope it started when USA backed a coup against a sovereign democratic nation and it backfired spectacularly.

:joy: USA has been at war 93% of it’s historie.

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So the answer is to allow dangerous harassment of our ships in international waters?

You’re confusing the cower in shame/cash on a pallet philosophy of the last administration with the current one.

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There you go, do you start a war over harassment? Are you that crazy? Because Iran is sure as shit that crazy.

I appreciate your sense of optimism. It’s coming.

When they’re doing what they’re doing, what else can be the explanation of their purpose?

Test your trigger discipline? Test how much USA has declined on the world stage?

In actuality, we are in more agreement than it seems. If it were up to me, our ships wouldn’t be there at all. I’d let the players in the region fight it out and let nature take its course.

BUT… Since that’s not the reality, our ships should absolutely be allowed to defend themselves against what has already been proven as a threat (suicide attack on the Cole)

Have you been hanging with the Bug?!?

So in your view, what are the results of that test?

If we fire on them = what?

If we don’t and no suicide bomb = what?

If we don’t fire and allow a suicide attack = what?