The Mariner's Dream - who else has had it?

I used to be a pilot on a tourist submarine. This model was not easy to maneuver, a dive consisted of 45 minutes of total concentration… you needed to get the sub close enough to the reef so the tourists would get good views, but if you got too close it was a bad thing.
Anyways, I once woke up in the middle of the night, looked out the window bedside at the bushes, and was dreaming that the bushes were large soft corals, and I was trying with all my might to not hit them.
I quit soon after that.

Me too! It was like flying a helicopter through molasses.

I had a dream that I got a raise.

Don’t new boats come with them automatically?

The worst dream I had at home was that I was asleep on the ship’s chart table. Woke up in my dream and jumped off the chart table, only to wake up in real life standing next to the bed, desperately searching for the radar.

I just had one! I’m home sick with a coldand the medicine I’m on puts me to sleep. While asleep I dreamed that I fell asleep on the bridge while taking this med and drove the vessel up on the shore and into a building! The captain told me not to worry becuse he said it was the AB’s fault that he specifically put on watch with me cuz he knew I was drosey. It’s all very graphic.
(BTW, I take no such meds while working:))
My reoccuring ship dream is that I wake up in my bunk facing the wall and I bang around for awhile trying to get out of this “coffin”.

So, you know what it’s like having a hemi full of gorgonians, hoping you don’t lose your bubble, or do a victory at sea because you’re flying on soft ballast :smiley:

Or what it’s like having to abort a dive because there’s a hair between the sealing surface and the hatch o-ring, and there’s a trickle of water landing on some lady’s head, and she starts to scream…

Hehe Doug, that’s pretty good!
We never had hatch problems, mainly because the chief pilot was insane about hatch protocol, and we weren’t in operation long enough to rack up the dive numbers for Mr. Murphy to come a-knocking.
We did, however, have a problem with motor controllers exploding during shakedown dives … made for interesting emergency surface evolutions.

How can I get that dream:confused:

[quote=Flyer69;13600]Hehe Doug, that’s pretty good!
We never had hatch problems, mainly because the chief pilot was insane about hatch protocol, and we weren’t in operation long enough to rack up the dive numbers for Mr. Murphy to come a-knocking.
We did, however, have a problem with motor controllers exploding during shakedown dives … made for interesting emergency surface evolutions.[/quote]

Then there was the time they didn’t vent the cabin properly while charging the batteries, and one of the guys went below and lit a cigarette.


Ah, fun and games.

My usual dream is trying to get 900’ of barges to turn down neighborhood streets and yep, I’m doing like 60mph or so.

I woke up one night at home and yelled at my wife that the generator just went down. We think that my son had slammed his bedroom door.

I have driven up city streets and I’ve been maneuvering in restricted waters where I’m boxed in and am about to run aground in all directions. In the restricted water scenario I’ve gotten the ship underway without authority and I’m trying to get it docked without anyone finding out. I also used to have the dreaded school dream and a dream where I have a poison snake in my hand and I’m trying to get rid of it without being bitten. All these dreams suck.

Even though I sailed as an engineer, I have also had the “boat in the city streets” dream, and still do from time to time. Must be all that time on ocean tugs, I guess.

Ever since I came ashore (over 20 years ago), I also have a recurring dream that I decided to go back to sea. Then I realize when I get onboard and we are underway, I didn’t pack a sea bag. Or another variation, since I still do some work offshore, I get on a boat for an offshore assignment, but the next thing I know, I am down in the engine room (or up in the wheelhouse-look out folks), signed on to the vessel. And it isn’t going offshore, but departing on a voyage . . . .

hardly ever dream…seems there is always more than enough that is surreal going on around me when I’m awake…this ole man needs his rest!!

And it always mystifies me when I can’t get the “bow” of my F-250 to drift in a bit when I am trying to shoehorn it into a tight spot :slight_smile:

Mine would probebly be, getting hit by a huge squall running the jetty and ripping the hull open and loosing about 90,000 worth of shrimp :mad:

Never had the one going down a city street though…(yet)

Well I have been lurking for awhile but this one got me out…

The driving the boat up city streets. I have had this dream several times in the past but not recently… I am blown away this is a fairly common theme. I would shore like thoughts on what this means.
Must be something to do with Fourchon…

Ok. how about this one (recent).

[I]I’m back on land now…[/I]I had a dream I was back offshore and sleeping [I]sooooo [/I]good to the sound of the (semi) loud generator:pzzz, nope it was my A/C taking a sh_t ! :eek:

I had the dream last night where a ship I was on as a cadet was going down the Glen highway here in Alaska and the captain is screaming at me to make passing arrangements with cars.