Hi everyone . Just joined . Scannedthrough the archives and didn’t find what I was looking for so here’smy question.
I have been working on the blue waterships for over a year . I have a QMED oiler and I am getting ready totest for my first DDE soon. I know this wont help me at all in mycurrent job , but may come in handy down the road . Anyway , I havebegun to wonder how I may apply a 1[SUP]st[/SUP] ,2[SUP]nd[/SUP] ,3[SUP]rd[/SUP]or even CE
license to any other industry , when orif I leave the water . I can see the advantage of holding a degreefrom an academy . But has anyone out there ever move ashore from the engine room andsuccessfully applied there ([U]Haws piper[/U] ) license to anotherjob?
Thanks for any advice or comment .
Engineer licenses transfer over to a lot of state power plant licenses and a lot of port engineer jobs probably will allow significant time served on a vessel to make up for the lack of a degree.
Read the job leads thread for engineer shore jobs and see what their requirements are. Also hunt on your own on the internet.
I know at my company there are as many Hawespipers as there are Academy grads as Port Engineers.
I think you will want to get some kind of further education though. It will set you apart from other HPers and negate any “advantage” someone with a degree would have. I don’t know that Engineering would be the way to go since if you have a 1st or Chief’s license thats practically like having a degree in Marine Engineering anyway. Maybe some business type courses or something. I wouldn’t even say you have to get a degree necessarily. Just have a fair amount of credits that you could put on a resume.
As with coming ashore from the Deck side, there are many opportunities for engineers of any background to come ashore as Surveyors/Consultants. About the only drawback may be not having a college degree. Many consultants will do “Expert” work for Counsel. Often, having a degree works better when giving testimony; not always, however.
I don’t think there is any advantage to the hawsepipe route. You need to develop some big skill to come out ahead. At the lower levels at jobs no one else wants it doesn’t matter. Once you start competing for an upper level job the elbows start getting sharp and your not going to have any friends you went to school with to give you a boost. You have to work longer, harder, faster and smarter. You have to improve your communication skills (including typing). Lots of things you can learn on your own.