I suggest you post your question in its own thread with a descriptive title.
This sounds like the purifier is failing a self test somehow. Watch the discharge process timers (there should be a way to view these on the screen). Find out during which timer it is alarming. If it runs fine during normal operation but fails/alarms during its shoot cycle and just needs a reset I would be willing to bet it’s not an issue with the purifier itself. You will need the parameter portion of your manual. This part should also have one of those timer charts showing you every solenoid and sensor and when they are active.
Also worth checking your water side. Are all of your solenoids working? Do they deliver a jet of water in manual mode. Are any of the orfice plates plugged up? Did you pull and clean any inline strainer/filter? Some of them have a small screen in the solenoid valve block.
And of course check your oil strainer.
You should also post this question on the diesel duck forums
Well masud rana, i wish i had you aboard my ship!!, your diligence and energy are admirable but you’ll probably find the water from somewhere else … assuming your overhaul is by the book.
Arjun, the fop prob has some electrical bs , good luck with it but the trouble shooting is pretty straight fwd.