Stupid Post by a Troll

Is it me or are the titles Master and Chief rather offensive? Master obviously reminds me of the slave days. Of course, the “Master” gets the private room while the rest of us sleep in the slave house. Why would Captain not suffice for a title? To add insult to injury we use the term “Masters Supreme Authority” as a way to to express our inferior existence. For God sake the Washington football team even understands the offensiveness of belittling the Native Americans. It is 2020 time to grow and man up. Make things right.

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This is probably why I never met any Native American chief engineers! It would be a lawsuit just waiting to happen.


Master on a ship is a legal position. Captain is a title that is given to just about anybody.
In Singapore the head waiter in a restaurant is a “Captain” and bus drivers are “Bus Captains”.

Both master and chief have originate from French in the 1300’s. They kind of predate the 16th century slave trade by a hot minute. Maybe you should be upset about their feudal connotations instead.

Except it’s not in the title. Historically Master and Captain referred to two different people, neither of which had to do with slave masters. Would you suggest we have no Master Mariners, Master Electricians, Master Plumbers? The term indicates mastery of a skill, not dominance over a people.

Likewise for Chiefs. It is as it was the person in charge of a group. Fire Chief, Police Chief, Chief Executive Officer…are you suggesting those terms are antiquated and offensive? Even if related to Native American or Indian Chief, it is not racist, whereas with Washingtons football team it was the Redskins, which is literally classifying people by the color of their skin and inherently offensive.

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What kind of boat do you sail on? :grimacing:


maybe he got shanghaied on a Chinese fishing vessel


It is just you.

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On a Transworld drilling rig I used to attend in Burma in the 1970s the Toolpusher was known as Chief. He was from Oklahoma and half German, half Cherokee.
I never heard any other name for him.

Yikes. That’s a big no-no nowadays. Never call a Native American “chief” or their womenfolk “squaw”.

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Wasn’t that John Rambo?


As I said I never heard his real name, but it could have been.
Actually I probably had to use his real name in the reports, but my memory is not what it used to be. (Probably never was)
But he didn’t look like this:


Holy crap can this not become an issue?

This is an epic troll…


Or the OP mistook this for a BDSM wesbsite…


Some people love to stir shit up and will dig deep to find to find offense and outrage where none are warranted.
I’d love to hear the OP’s suggestions for replacement names.

Captain vs. Master - DAILY WRITING TIPS.

That Asshole with the private room on the top starboard side of the house that is always telling me to do stuff would work nicely :grin:


That seems fitting.

My go to would be Arrogant Prick or Narcissistic A-Hole, but I find my day goes smoother if I just use “Boss”.


I think the application of the word “Master” here comes from the German “Meister”, which means a craftsman that has gone through training, achieved seniority and is part of a guild, and who is has taken on apprentices.