A feudal connotation would be “blue blood”.
I think that checks out. It’s easily the best beer I’ve ever had, so…
Are you insinuating something about his height?
What in the world have you been poisoning yourself with if that is the best you drink?
Why does this have to be a troll? Isn’t it time we start the tough discussions about mariner equality? Does a simple piece of paper and training make one more valuable than one with a lesser license?
Yes. Literally yes.
The term ‘poop deck’ is offensive and ableist to people who suffer from constipation.
I’ll tell you what I used to tell any of the unlicensed that would complain about how I, as Chief Mate, seemed to get lots of overtime when they did not. You go ahead and get your license, upgrade all the way to Chief Mate, realize just how much work needs to be done in that position, and then work all the overtime you want.
Yes. The license, skill, and experience level are totally worth more to a shipping company.
While we are at it Ordinary “Seaman” should be changed to Entry Seapersons
Is it sexist if I call deckhands dickheads?
Is it ableist to call deck ratings able-seaman? Think about all the disabled deck ratings.
Don’t even get me started on coxswain…
And in many cases it is all of them…
Right? even more shocking to have “Ordinary Seaman Wiper” appear next to one’s name. I know we have to submit a lot of paperwork, but why read a sailor’s diary? So cruel.
I am glad to see the several of you using logic, and understanding the hurtful terms used in our industry. To those of you using “History” and “Tradition” as acceptable reason to continue down the road of dehumanizing your shipmates, I say shame to you good persons.
No. Take this mess to cruiserforums.com it will be better received there.
Take care good sailor and guide by yonder star.
Thank you for the advise good sir to cruisefourms I shall go.