Happened this morning. Hudson River. Near Ravena. Unknown damage, or condition. Currently anchored in Stuyvescent anchorage. Most likely will be aground (again) at low tide. Will post more news as I find it.
Must have happened near Hudson if they took it all the way to Stuyvesant. Maybe you can put a line on it and get salvage rights.
Merry Christmas Cappy!
It was leaving Albany when it happened. River is closed to traffic right now.
timesunion.com has generic info. divers checking for damage, ‘First hull punctured and taking on water’, Second hull safe.
[QUOTE=cappy208;91405]timesunion.com has generic info. divers checking for damage, ‘First hull punctured and taking on water’, Second hull safe.[/QUOTE]
There’s something I like about you, cappy. Yea, I know, don’t send me any favors.
You old goat ~
[QUOTE=“Sweat-n-Grease;91424”]You old goat ~[/QUOTE]
This is NOT the goat you were thinking of… he is the multi stripe guy on the other post!
Here is where she is. I noticed she did swing with the tide at current change.
Just had two Moran Units bringing barges go by. Seems to be heading up to ready to lighter. That’s a good sign!
[QUOTE=cappy208;91433]This is NOT the goat you were thinking of… he is the multi stripe guy on the other post![/QUOTE]
Silly me - Must be my rather advanced age.
North river still closed 2 hrs ago.
Stena Primorsk is back in Albany. Floated it up the river with two tugs and flood current. there was an exceptionally high tide this noon. God does look out for us in.mysterious ways doesn’t he!
Somehow they leveled her out, (and didn’t exceed negative UKC). they didn’t have to lighter. But there is a slew of Moran and Bouchard stuff going up that seems empty. so probably going to lighter the Stena Primorsk up in Albany. River is fully open and up for business.
This incident is AMAZING. None of the local stations reported it, It made only two it three little blurbs in the local papers, The public info statements are disingenuous, and everyone is acting like its another day on the river!
The pilot lost control of the vessel, the hull WAS breached, it was aground, and was carrying 280,000 bbls of crude! All while being the beamiest, deepest draft to sail FROM Albany in several years… Silence! I do beleive this beam/draft combination is the largest to transit the river.
Its been on the local news up here since it happened, and made the front page of the “Albany Times Union”. Half of the information compared this to the valdez, and how its the first load out of Albany on a vessel this size.
Apparently, a ‘Hull Breach’ is what is meant by a 2 METER X 2 METER hole! And ‘Steering Failure’ is what is meant by: “Oh shit, She ain’t responding!”
AND the story keeps going. This afternoon the Afrodite struck the cables hanging from the Tappanzee BR. The center span has a cable running across it almost totally closing center span. Can these large ships ever get crude moved safely? Sounds like more tug and barge work to me!