After reading through the new uscg changes, I see they are removing the word steersman. What will happen after the grandfathering is over if you hold a steersman?
on page 1.
After reading through the new uscg changes, I see they are removing the word steersman. What will happen after the grandfathering is over if you hold a steersman?
on page 1.
[QUOTE=coldcreepin;135175]After reading through the new uscg changes, I see they are removing the word steersman. What will happen after the grandfathering is over if you hold a steersman?
on page 1.[/QUOTE]
The Coast Guard is not “removing” the word steersman. See the new regulation at 46 CFR 11.464:
All that document says is that the definition of “Apprentice Mate (Steersman) Of Towing Vessels ([B]Utility[/B])” was removed from the definitions in 46 CFR 10.107. Note that this refers to an endorsement for utility towing, not all towing vessels.
Actually, this document is wrong. This endorsement title was never in 46 CFR 10.107. In the rule-making that resulted in the December 24, 2013, regulation change, the Coast Guard [I][U]proposed [/U][/I]the creation of new endorsements for utility towing vessels, including apprentice mate (steersman) , but these were dropped from the final rule.
[U]There are no changes to the existing endorsement of Apprentice Mate (Steersman)[/U].
Question , can a guy with a 500ton mate of towing work by himself on the jr. watch while the senior Captain with a master license sleeps.
So long as the vessel is under 500 and there is someone with Master of Towing onboard, why not?
You do not need two masters licenses to run 24/7.