Hey all
Have my 200T and am making an upgrade soon. Trying to finish my coursework but coming up empty handed for stability. I had to learn stability several years ago but some of the content on the Hawsepipe CD goes over my head. Anyway, where can I find some good book learning on stability? If its on the Hawsepipe CD then it is buried deep.
Stability and trim for the ships officer, what we used at the academy pretty good book.
[QUOTE=jbranscum;49590]Hey all
Have my 200T and am making an upgrade soon. Trying to finish my coursework but coming up empty handed for stability. I had to learn stability several years ago but some of the content on the Hawsepipe CD goes over my head. Anyway, where can I find some good book learning on stability? If its on the Hawsepipe CD then it is buried deep.
I second rshrew , Stability and Trim is a book every deck officer should have on his or her bookshelf. None of the concepts are difficult, you just have to take them on at a time. Here is a good site from the U.S Navy with the basic concepts.- You should be able to draw the basic stability diagram from memory for starters.
Thank you for the link to the book and the link to the stability webpage!