OK - US flag, but sailing international. I take it we need to follow the higher standard - in this case SOLAS. Any thoughts?
[QUOTE=uber Turtle;31898]OK - US flag, but sailing international. I take it we need to follow the higher standard - in this case SOLAS. Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]
don’t really understand what you mean by “higher standard”…most if not all the tugs and OSVs that I sailed on “internationally” had FF equipment in excess of what was dictated by the vessel’s F&S plan…which often included additional FEs, foam, SCBA/bottles and even bunker gear…never had a problem w/ management when requesting additional FF, life saving, or first aid…a few years back for a 4 month trip to Africa and back I requested and got a complete “med-kit” to include trauma kit, narcotic drugs and DEFIB!!
[QUOTE=uberTurtle;31898]OK - US flag, but sailing international. I take it we need to follow the higher standard - in this case SOLAS. Any thoughts?[/QUOTE]
If you are SOLAS classed, then you should adhere to SOLAS standards no matter where you are sailing.
SOLAS requires more spare fire extinguishers (or ability to recharge) than USCG / CFRs. Unfortunately, our management isn’t as free with the bucks as yours…thanks for the info.
Doesn’t your SOLAS cert (equivalent to COI) tell you what equipment you need?