I will start off with saying I have read a ton of threads of this forum and it has been very help so far so thanks for all of the previous threads regarding getting a job. I got my MMD/MMC on Friday so my next step is getting all the gear I need to go to sea. What the must haves for a trip to sea? Thanks
Hi KF, try this thread:
Must have items in your sea bag
From what Ive researched for OSV You need 7 pairs of work pants + 4 pairs of shirts. Rain gear, Steel toe boots that are water proof. Toiletries. Any meds you think you might need. Sunglasses. Winter gear.
May I suggest a pair of very good steel toe boots , that are at least broken in some…
Try look at this thread too: gCaptain Forum
Anyone else here getting a weirded-out vibe from this dude?
Thanks dougpine
why is that?
hey greenhorn: seabag kit depends on what kind of vessel you’ll be on. yacht? tug boat? cruise ship? OSV? drill ship? and where you’ll be sailing: tropics? far north?
remember in any event they all have washing machines so a few pairs of each will do unless you’re an engineer, more is better in that case.
if going overseas don’t forget some books to read or your shortwave radio, even in this digital era.
[quote=richard8000milesaway;20779]hey greenhorn: seabag kit depends on what kind of vessel you’ll be on. yacht? tug boat? cruise ship? OSV? drill ship? and where you’ll be sailing: tropics? far north?
remember in any event they all have washing machines so a few pairs of each will do unless you’re an engineer, more is better in that case.
if going overseas don’t forget some books to read or your shortwave radio, even in this digital era.[/quote]
Im hoping for anything in the GOM. I found Capt Anons post http://gcaptain.com/forum/2906-post10.html which was help full.
Dickies makes socks just for steel toe boots. Boy, are they worth the $3-4.00 per pair. Also some Dr Schols inserts.
I be jell’n on the deck.
Don’t forget; pickle polish, hand towels, and training films. :eek: