Saltchuk-OSG purchase


Saltchuk was already too big. Where are the antitrust enforcers?

Maybe they were on the antiquated and unsafe open lifeboats Saltchuck insisted on keeping to ensure that the El Faro crew couldn’t survive a sinking on their ancient rotten freighter.
People tend to forget that Saltchuk owned that ancient deathtrap.


Cannot speak for the ships acquired in this deal, nor the maintainence programs OSG had for them. I can relate to the four or so large modern pin unit “Tug/barges” they acquired. They are top of the line units run by very competent officers. Lets hope Saltchuck has changed the way they maintain ALL their vessels since El Faro.

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When were people killed at Foss? Like green tugboats Foss or a subsidiary?

There was an unfortunate accident where an AB had a fatal injury doing tow work in so cal back in '06.

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A captain was killed in Tampico Mexico on Christmas Day 2011 but can’t see how that would be managements fault.

I remember that. My tug had been moving refinery modules from Tampico to Port Arthur earlier in that year. We never had any issues with the locals, but we always hired the same English speaking cabbie to take us around and keep us out of trouble.

Line killed a guy at the Red Dog mine. Man crushed by containers in King cove. Many other major incidents all due to “just get it done” attitude. All swept under the rug by their spin doctors. It was the fatality of the young woman in California that started the change to safer operations by management. A few years ago that manager has left. Not sure what they are doing now but their is a nifty propaganda video on you tube one can watch.

The ships are well maintained and the people are solid. The office lacks the ability to communicate with one another and crewing is a major challenge.

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Some new tugs ordered…

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