Refuting bullshit

I have to say I am really disappointed that our good Capt Conrad has allowed himself to be taken in by the BS department when he published the lead story on todays issue claiming the UK will generate over 50% of it’s power from non fossil fuels during this year.

This website shows exactly how far from the truth we are delivering a whopping 30% of uk power supply!

Right now so called clean energies are delivering

I’m not getting it. It’s hard to get an accurate idea from Gridwatch, since the daily average graphs are hard to read accurately, and the source of the imported power isn’t given, but the numbers don’t seem to be that far off. Where are you seeing your 30% figure?

If you click the renewables box and look at the bottoms of the graphs, they show min, max, average for the various periods.

Not working for me :-/

Still, the post said “non-fossil”, which includes nuclear. If you add the 17-18 percent nuclear fraction to the 30 percent renewables, it tallies pretty good, doesn’t it?

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How many dead dinosaurs do you think there are? this is not “fossil Fuel”. It is a normal process of the earth. There is no end to it.

Informative and user friendly site, all at a glance. Coal energy is almost zero and that is very good. Only in winter time they scale up like in February last year. Wind energy is low which is surprising with al those low pressure areas coming in first hand from the Atlantic and rolling over Britain.

We are just after mid summers day and so called renewables are producing 30% with nuclear providing 20%. So even now the 50% claim is not being met.

But as the days shorten, solar power availability will reduce. Wind cannot be relied on to match consumption peaks. In mid winter with a high pressure cold night, renewables won’t be supplying much.

But we will still have to pay for the vainty project of meeting “climate change” agenda whilst India and China power themselves with dirty fuel.

The article’s claim includes nuclear, so you and it seem to be agreeing.

Re: wind: important to understand that more integration of a European-wide grid has always been key to this project. You cannot compare one small country in isolation although the UK’s large sea areas and good winds make it a strong candidate as more wind turbines get built. Right now there are also laws restricting the size of onshore wind turbines in the UK. There remains a huge amount of potential for growth.


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I wonder how much use we are getting out of all those windmills rght now in the UK?

PS a hint is high pressure in charge and a lovely clear sky!

Looks like wind is producing about 17 percent, and renewables+nuclear over 50%. You posted this link, don’t you use it?

how much nuclear is coming from France??

Oh, does the UK share a grid with the mainland? Interesting.

That monitoring site will tell you. Right now one percent of UK output is going to France.

Yesterday the minimum wind contribution was 8% and the maximum 17%. Over this year the maximum seems to have been around 37% and the minimum around 4% based on daily averages.


There is without a doubt rosy reports about how much electricity is generated by wind and solar but everyone should agree the amount is increasing. What I do not understand is the prejudice inherent . What’s the problem? Fossil fuels are dirty we all know that even though some of us may like them for one reason or another. Fossil fuels exploration and the business thereof paid me personally a lot of money but as an intelligent person I know the burning of fossil fuels is resulting in the degradation of the only planet I care to live on. If there are other ways to provide energy for transport and power I am all for exploring them. Initially these alternatives may be more expensive but so were the first generation of personal computers. Please don’t complain about government subsidies for these other forms of power as the fossil fuel industry has been enjoying decades of government subsidies through tax breaks, oil depletion allowances etc. Were I a young engineer I would be excited about exploring alternatives whether they be solar, wind, hydrogen or whatever. There are many exciting innovations coming. Fossil fuel is something from which many products are made and is a finite resource, much too valuable in the long term to be burned.

