Ready Stacked Rigs

Has all of the ready stacked 5th and 6th generation rigs gone down to MSMC in the GOM?

scrap steel worth more in China and India so rigs are stacked towards those places

[QUOTE=powerabout;153801]scrap steel worth more in China and India so rigs are stacked towards those places[/QUOTE]

Talking about the stacked drillships in the GOM, quite a few right now.

its getting scary, surely the operators know the bill on the upside will be way higher than last year but I guess they way that up with how high they can get the oil price to rebound?
One would think there would be some long term very cheap charter contracts up for grabs?

The only one I know of down to MSMC is in West Africa, she only has about 18 POB onboard right now. I have some friends on one in the GOM, ad they are down to roughly 40 POB, basically marine and maintenance crew.

[QUOTE=powerabout;153871]its getting scary, surely the operators know the bill on the upside will be way higher than last year but I guess they way that up with how high they can get the oil price to rebound?
One would think there would be some long term very cheap charter contracts up for grabs?[/QUOTE]

one would certainly think that the market is solidly on the side of the operators at the moment and drilling companies with high debt exposure are not in a very good position to make demands on those who they will need to keep the goodwill of. I certainly would think that TO might consider letting their preferred operators a lower dayrate on the rigs still on hire in exchange that those same operators take a few rigs not working at present. Of course, those operators need to have wells for those rigs to drill which is a conundrum.

The other side of the coin is for the rig owners to hold fast to previously agreed to terms and risk losing the goodwill of the operators they will always need or even to have an operator pull the plug and run away. Yes, some quick cash comes to the driller if that happens but longterm damage also occurs. I certainly would think TO is trying desperately to prevent Statoil from pulling the plug on the DISCOVERER AMERICAS right now even if they would pocket a bunch of cash if they did.

1 TO rig for certain is headed for cold stack in next few days or so… And its not the D Americas… As well as another OSV for TW that’s currently emptying the fuel tanks on it’s last trip of her contract, no connection to the above TO vessel…

[QUOTE=FourchonShuffle;154111]1 TO rig for certain is headed for cold stack in next few days or so… And its not the D Americas… As well as another OSV for TW that’s currently emptying the fuel tanks on it’s last trip of her contract, no connection to the above TO vessel…[/QUOTE]

DW Champion? Few times I’ve been by her, I’ve seen a disturbing lack of drillpipe in her derrick.

[QUOTE=jbtam99;154260]DW Champion? Few times I’ve been by her, I’ve seen a disturbing lack of drillpipe in her derrick.[/QUOTE]

NFW is a 2010 6th generation drillship going to be cold stacked!

I sure hope not… Guess we’ll know in the “next few days or so.” Disturbing number of drillships idle right now.

Its just away for the companies to put downward pressure on costs, and to create a perceived shortage that will put upward pressure on oil prices.

[QUOTE=FourchonShuffle;154111]1 TO rig for certain is headed for cold stack in next few days or so… And its not the D Americas… As well as another OSV for TW that’s currently emptying the fuel tanks on it’s last trip of her contract, no connection to the above TO vessel…[/QUOTE]

If a rig gets cold stacked, that means there is no hope of finding work for it probably in the next 2 years. I am having a hard time believing any 5th or 6th gen rig is going to be cold stacked. Sending the drill crew home and keeping bare minimum personal onboard to keep it on DP and the lights on is a high probability, if that has not already happened.

T/O did announce a few months ago they are scrapping a couple of older rigs, but those were already laid up long before this slow down began. Most of those rigs to be scrapped are older than I am.

The Discover Enterprise will join the DDI in c.s w/ around 20 personnel.

[QUOTE=FourchonShuffle;154286]The Discover Enterprise will join the DDI in c.s w/ around 20 personnel.[/QUOTE]

you’re confirming this with evidence to back it up? If this is true all I can say is HOLY SHIT!

The DDI is in Las Palmas Canary Islands, at the shipyard getting read to go to work in Angola. According to the January 15 fleet status report on the T/O website the Enterprise just signed a contract extension with BP in the GOM. Did BP cancel that extension since the fleet status report was put out?

From the horses mouth -Enterprise, CR luigs, & Americas (possibly soon). BP decided not to fill the extension for the DEN.

[QUOTE=FourchonShuffle;154302]From the horses mouth -[/QUOTE]

who’s the horse…MISTER ED?

Rob you are correct, I completely forgot about Angola… It was due to c.s.

There are three sitting out by the LOOP we passed on the way in the other day. I think the CR Luigs and the Americas were two of them. I can’t remember what the third one was. There were smaller vessels working them so maybe it was a crewchange, fuel and grocery run going on.

The “Americas” is still in Tanzania, if they drill another well or two, finish up what they are doing and make the trip around the cape it will be months before she is back in the GOM. I think the Pathfinder and maybe the Spirit are out there along with the CR Luigs.