Question on 500 ton mate upgrade

In reviewing the requirements for 500 ton mate near coastal, there seems to be confusion between the checklist the NMC provides online, the checklist provided to me by the NMC help desk, and policy letter 11-07. Specifically:

Flashing light: Online checklist says required, 11-07 says optional, help desk checklist say optional STCW.
Medical care provider/First aid provider: Online checklist says required, 11-07 doesn’t say anything about it, Help desk checklist says required.
Bridge Resource Management: Listed on 11-07, not listed on either checklist.

I reviewed PC 9-99 regarding the Medical care provider, but I was led to believe that 11-07 was the guiding document for this level of licensing. If not, can someone help me understand the process the CG uses to combine the information to come up with a current checklist?

do you have STCW already? if so you will probably ‘slip’ though the cracks’ and get the stcw cert codes on your mmc anyway.

It would be of no use to get a near coastal license, if you can’t go beyond the boundry line on a vessel OVER 200 tons. To go beyond the boundry line you must have STCW over 200 GT. If you already have the STCW it is already on your documents.

If you DON’T have STCW, then you will need to jump through hoops to qualify for all .