Prepositioning in Panama

I’m curious how you know how this ship may have carried what you think it carried?

Dammit, now. I already played the Contraband card earlier in the day. Hollywood really needs to up its game and produce some more shipping blockbusters.

Is Markie-mark still working?

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An interesting article on how they did a lot of the CGI in the movie including a lot of the ship stuff!

Dude it’s in the “shipping records”!! Didn’t you read his reply (/s)

Don’t worry, it’s being handled by top men, Top Men

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As it was crashing into the berth in PANAMA…

Coincidence? I think not…

That movie was both accurate and prophetic :wink:


Only now New3M has to go and tell me that the pier crash might not have been on the up and up - rather he claims something bout something called CGI? I don’t know what to make of all this three letter nonsense. MSC, MSQ, CGI, and the other MSC? I’m scratching my head.

When I did show up at the gangway on my first ship with my newly printed twic and MMC in my brand new pressed service dress blues, I did get a funny reception now that I think about it.

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The public shipping records that he won’t elaborate on but definitely has

How do you know?

Then you don’t know much about deep sea shipping. MSC is Mediterranean Shipping Company and “which MSC” is a longstanding confusion when discussing that acronym.

The other MSC is More Sh!t Coming.

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The shipping papers handled at the dock listed “MSC” as the shipper without any more specifics about the cargo inside the containers.

I’m sure there was a bid process for the contract. If I find it, I will try to post it here.