I am currently working on a GOM Frac boat. I am interested in taking a tankerman PIC DL course. I understand that I am required to participate in 10 transfers before I am able to take the class. I work as an AB (holding a 3rd mate ticket) and am oftentimes tasked to hose watch duties while taking on deisel and lube oil. The Chief on the boat says these transfers are not applicable to the sign offs because deisel is not a “dangerous liquid”. Is this accurate at all?
I would like to possibly seek employment on ATB’s but I need this PIC and am not sure if it is legit to get signed off by doing fuel transfers on my current vessel.
Please advise
[QUOTE=XpatBubba;171587]I am currently working on a GOM Frac boat. I am interested in taking a tankerman PIC DL course. I understand that I am required to participate in 10 transfers before I am able to take the class. I work as an AB (holding a 3rd mate ticket) and am oftentimes tasked to hose watch duties while taking on deisel and lube oil. The Chief on the boat says these transfers are not applicable to the sign offs because deisel is not a “dangerous liquid”. Is this accurate at all?
I would like to possibly seek employment on ATB’s but I need this PIC and am not sure if it is legit to get signed off by doing fuel transfers on my current vessel.
Please advise[/QUOTE]
They are not acceptable because fuel isn’t cargo. The transfers have to be cargo, and on a vessel inspected as a tank vessel. In addition to the course and [U]cargo[/U] transfers, you need 90 days service on a tank vessel. See 46 CFR 13.203. You can take the course before you have the service and transfers, the only requirement is that it be within 5 years of applying for the endorsement.
Also, chief engineers can’t sign off for the transfers for a PIC endorsement, see 46 CFR 13.205.
[QUOTE=lm1883;171658]Will the USCG accept cargo transfers obtained on a foreign flag vessel?[/QUOTE]
The NATIONAL TANKERMAN § Part 13 checklist on the NMC’s website has the following note:
[SIZE=1][SIZE=2]Note 2: Person conducting fuel transfer from MSC T-AOE vessels may be used. Oil and Mud Base transfer on OSV is considered DL transfer but not tank ship/vessel sea service.
You can count certain product transfers on an OSV towards your loads and discharges, but seatime on an OSV would still not count towards the 90 days you need for your PIC.
[QUOTE=jdcavo;171657]They are not acceptable because fuel isn’t cargo. The transfers have to be cargo, and on a vessel inspected as a tank vessel.[/QUOTE]
oil based mud pumped from an osv to a rig is still not being delivered from a tankship or tankbarge
OSVs and fisheries vessels dispensing petroleum products as cargo are vessels given special permissions in the CFRs but they are not defacto tank vessels requiring PICs to be carried thus no credit
correct JD?
Updated - - -
[QUOTE=lm1883;171658]Will the USCG accept cargo transfers obtained on a foreign flag vessel?[/QUOTE]
as long as it is aboard a bonafide tankship then I am quite sure they would
[QUOTE=jdcavo;171657]In addition to the course and [U]cargo[/U] transfers, you need 90 days service on a tank vessel.[/QUOTE]
Here’s a tricky question:
I have the required transfers and time on a tank barge, but it was all over 5 years ago, and I never took the class so never had PIC.
I noticed that MITAGS has a tankerman class that can count as the class if you have your transfers and time, and it can also count for recency if you have your PIC but no recent transfers.
Can I take that class and get my PIC with my time and transfers from 2007?
Sounds like a green light to take the course since I have 5 years to get signed off after class. I just want to make myself marketable to ATB companies if things get any worse in the GOM.
Obama’s Iran deal is due to show its effects on us mid 2016, and that scares the hell out of me
[QUOTE=XpatBubba;171806]Sounds like a green light to take the course since I have 5 years to get signed off after class. I just want to make myself marketable to ATB companies if things get any worse in the GOM.
Obama’s Iran deal is due to show its effects on us mid 2016, and that scares the hell out of me
thanks for all the replies[/QUOTE]
You might be more marketable if you get an endorsement as Tankerman-Assistant first.
I hold an unlimited ab and quit my job like an idoit thinking when I was ready to go back to work would have no problem finding a job overseas. I was very wrong because the oil field fell apart. I have applied to Cheveron but they need a tankermans assist. ConocoPhillips wants a Tankermans. So I am to thinking of taking the course.
My COI on the OSV I was on specifically said a PIC is required for the transfers. With that said, why couldn’t I get a Tankship PIC (DL)? The PICs kept their stuff up, so there must be a little something to it.