For those with an interest in photography, especially from the Arctic and with maritime subject, here is a famouse one from the Norwegian scientist and photographer Audun Rikardsen:
…and if you’re interested in fresh pictures from the Arctic, the captain of 50 Let Pobedy posts new photographs almost daily. The text is in Russian (he also answers to comments), but the photos are of course in English.
This particular one was built in 2011 as a coastal fishing vessel for combined Seine/Trawl/"Snurrevad"t for pelagic and bottom fisheries.
Equipped for both on board processing and iced fresh fish. (She is also able to carry live fish in 100 Cbm. tanks)
Of special equipment is a “stunning tank” used to stun the cod before slaughtering. Something that is common on shore based salmon slaughtering facilities, but not on coastal fishing vessels. (Improve the quality of the fish)
Diesel/Electric propulsion and accommodation of high standard for a crew of 7 in single cabins w/toilet/shower in-situ.
Here is a description of Meløyfjord (in Norwegian):
PS> The Owner has ordered a new but bigger fishing vessel from the same yard for delivery in 2021.(Loa 47 m)
The new Blue North experimented with a ‘stunning’ table but they later bypassed it. Our fisheries regulations don’t lend themselves to that design but I would love to go make a few sets on one.