400 ppm atmospheric CO2 in 2017 is a big one off the top of my head, cutrently averaging 419.
We’ve passed the 1.1°c threshold and we’re approaching 1.5°c, which will be bad.
400 ppm atmospheric CO2 in 2017 is a big one off the top of my head, cutrently averaging 419.
We’ve passed the 1.1°c threshold and we’re approaching 1.5°c, which will be bad.
I understand that it is what so called science says . Am I right???
Has she got some scientific record?? Degrees like Msc or PHD ??? in physics, climatology, natural sciences??
quote" There are a lot—each one seemingly more dire than the last. But perhaps none are more important than those released by the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a group made up of thousands of unpaid, volunteer scientists from around the world. end quote.
She is lying about “unpaid” . The scientist who are sceptical abt ONLY man made global warming are not paid and they have to to look for donors in the private sector to conduct their research . Their work is hushed and belittled by activists, who use all available tools from “WOKEMONS” playbook. The first tool is to call them climate change deniers.
All scientist, who create content in line with the global warming agenda are financed with the help of IPCC.
IPCC has issued ( I am not sure ) 5-6 reports .- iT IS VERY SERIOUS SCIENTIFIC WORK .
Have You read any of them ???
One more thing. I have lived through 6 decades and stay assured it has not missed my attention , that climate has changed during my time and I would call an idiot anybody who claims otherwise. However I am a bit sceptical if this change is solely attributable to man activities as claimed by GW activists.
And thank You , that You did not send me what my pet object “Greta” has said as I would feel offended.
Have You found ( because i have not) a video clip where the GW theory supporting real scientist debated with another having the oposite view?? If You have such I would be eager to watch it. Love such debates.
So I have guessed correctly:
Maybe this is the reason?:
Good luck with that, getting politicians to agree on anything is notoriously difficult in most countries.
Looks like computer climate models need software/program updates
Unexpected Global Warming Spike Due to Abrupt Reduction in Shipping Emissions, Study Finds (gcaptain.com)
Analysis: How low-sulphur shipping rules are affecting global warming - Carbon Brief
IPCC Climate Models Grossly Exaggerate ‘Global Warming’ (heartlanddailynews.com)
(When you are replying to your own posts maybe it’s time to take a walk…cool off…get some fresh air…)
Ohhhhhh, who is here .?? My Nemesis ;-). Love all your posts/topics but Ukraine/TRYZUBLANDIA/BANDERASTAN.
Yeah You are right that there is something strange but this can be explained . It looks i have been blocked from ediditng my old posts . I wanted to add sth , that is fresh but editing tool is disabled.
You are such a smart fellow .May be You can help - advise how to edit old posts.
And I have good news .My intention is to leave this noble Forum but I can not find anything like “delete profile/remove profile” .I would like to leave with all my content not to irritate You and others before the WW III , so You can prep yourselves in duck and cover techniques and not waste time on my rumblings.
I think it is more honorable to quit voluntarily then to be treated like Huelva by your crowd of haters .
And thank You my Dear Nemesis for showing concern and caring . I will trully miss You and Your presence here .
Yes, computer models are only as good as the input data. Since no one could predict a global pandemic shutting down the majority of goals global automobile, airplane, and shipping traffic the models couldn’t anticipate what that would do to the climate.
Better get in your bid early:
I showered with a midget once at T-HUET.