Hi all…I currently hold a DDE 4000/Chief Engineer OSV 4000HP license and considering possibly upgrading. I have the seatime needed to acquire a DDE UNLIMITED and/or a Chief Eng. Limited Oceans/Chief Eng. OSV UNLIMITED HP.
My question is…how much more trouble is it to get the Chief Eng. Limited Oceans license over the DDE UNL.? If more troublesome…is it ‘worth’ it in the long run?
I have worked on OSV’s my entire career and doubt I’ll ever do otherwise. I do however want whats best for me in securing my job for the future…but don’t want to test for something that really isn’t necessary. I’ve been told that the Chief Oceans test is a real b!tch but really don’t want to overlook it.
If anyone has tested for both the DDE UNL and the Ch.Eng. Lim. Oceans…you’re input is greatly appreciated.
Same questions on all the tests you will take. Chief limited will just be more of them. Go for Chief limited it won’t be a waste of time. Especially when the inevitable bust hits. You will increase your chances of being jobulated and occupitized if you have to look outside the GOM.
My advice is always go for the most license you can. Fraqrat is correct the questions are basically the same from QMED all the way to unlimited chief, there are just alot more of them. The biggest difference between a DDE unlimited test and the Chief limilted ocean is the DDE has only 3 sections, safety, motor, and general. The Chief limited oceans has 4 with electricity being a seperate test. still having a motor, safety and general. I came up this way, through the ranks.
[QUOTE=KPEngineer;69593]DDE unlimited has electrical too. It’s DDE 4000 and below that does not.
Sent from my Sound Powered Phone[/QUOTE]
When I took the DDE unlimited test the electrical was rolled into the general subjects. That was way back in 1993, so things might have changed a bit since then. The first time I had a seperate electrical test was on my chief limited oceans, a few years later. Either way the questions are still going to be basically the same on both tests.
So my question is this-I have Chief Eng. Limited-Oceans unlimited HP 1600Tons/3000ITC. I was told I can get the 6000 ITC endorsement just for the asking. Any truth to that?
Nope you have to have at least 180 days service on vessel over 1000 itc. Then you have to get 56 days observer time on vessel over 3000 itc. All this while participating in your company’s “6000 itc tonnage extension program” which requires a competency sign off packet be completed. The company program has to in turn be certified by USCG. That may be to easy of an explanation. There be something buried in the policy letters about rubbing your belly and patting yourself on the head while jumping up and down!
Well I have part of that. I am currently sailing on a 1997 ITC well over 56 days. I will have to look into this with upper management. But thanks for the info.
[QUOTE=unclechief;69824]So my question is this-I have Chief Eng. Limited-Oceans unlimited HP 1600Tons/3000ITC. I was told I can get the 6000 ITC endorsement just for the asking. Any truth to that?[/QUOTE]
If you had your Chief limited oceans before March of 1998, you should have been issued a unlimited OSV endorsement along with that. How ever the coast guard does not issue the unlimited OSV endorsement any more. If you have it you can ask for the 6000ITC, they should give it to you. If you did not have the Chief limited oceans before march of 98, you will have to go through the assesment that Fraqrat is talking about. Also you have to be working for a company that has that program approved by the coast guard. The only ones that I know of are Choest, Hornbeck, Candies, and I think Harvey gulf just got thier program approved. Then you still have to sail the 56 days with a qualified assesor on some thing over 3000 ITC. Thier may be other companies with the program, but those are the only ones I know of. They stopped giving the unlimited endorsements, and most of the time they will only issue you the 3000 ITC when you renew unless you call them out on the fact you used to have the unlimited OSV.
The OSV world is new to me so excuse my ignorance. What if you hold an unlimited Chiefs license from sailing deep sea? Do you have to take the assessments and ride 56 days with an assessor. If you do, then do you have a Chief unlimited and get a Chief OSV?
[QUOTE=brjones;69858]The OSV world is new to me so excuse my ignorance. What if you hold an unlimited Chiefs license from sailing deep sea? Do you have to take the assessments and ride 56 days with an assessor. If you do, then do you have a Chief unlimited and get a Chief OSV?[/QUOTE]
If you have an unlimited chief from deep sea, the OSV endorsement does not apply. That is only for people with a DDE, or a chief limited oceans that are working on a supply boat that requires that. An unlimited chief should be able to work on anything in the Gulf, with out any restricitions to a specific class.
The electrical test for Oceans is different than a Near Coastal license as well. With the oceans license they throw in microprocessors, small electronics, etc. As far as the General, Safety and Motors tests go, the Chief Limited Oceans will be more difficult if only because they pull from a larger base of questions than they do for the DDE license. The same goes for getting a Chief Unlimited, they pull from a much broader question base. I’m currently working on upgrading to Chief Limited Oceans, and I can tell you that the electrical section is a pain in the rear for me.