For those of you that have followed my post you know that I have been turning up every stone since December trying to find work :(. As of today I am gainfully employed and will be working on the Galveston Texas Ferries starting next week. It’s not the job I was expecting to find but I have to $top the bleeding and it will give me opportunity to upgrade.
I started this process in March 2008 renewing my license that was expired under the old system .
So here is my timeline:
March-Sept 2008, 30+K and 7 months STCW classes with no job :o
OCt-Nov 2008, 2 additional months waiting on our good friends at NMC and no job :rolleyes:
Dec 08-July 09, 7 more months looking for a job. I got 1 quick bout w/ job from hell :eek: but picked up 42 days of recency and needing 48 more.
July 2009 and I’m going to work.
I am very much looking forward to going back to work. Many thanks to all on here for your support.
Good going, 10talents! Glad to hear you have a job, and there should be a lot of fun places to explore in the Galveston area ashore. We used those ferries for crew changes when we were running out of Galveston.
Good for you Bro, Hopefully the open up Florida to drilling and you can work out of the promise land in the future! From a fellow Fla. boy Congratulations!