NOAS Reddit "Ask me Anything" 1300 Today

NOAA Research Ship “Nancy Foster” Reddit AMA today.

1300 EST

here’s a question for you…

how do we kill the NOAA Corps once and for all or at least get their effing military uniformed benefits taken away?

No thanks, just gave at the office

Here’s a question to ask them, if you are so inclined

Why do they have chief engineers making 300k? Why are these chiefs allowed to pad their overtime while cutting overtime out from their officers and unlicensed?

See how they answer that one.

I could just about bet no CME can get $300K out of that wage structure. Maybe about $170K but even that would be incredibly obvious.
A lot of division overtime there is up to the section head and how he interacts with the Command. I don’t think the NOAA corp will go away, not after the last diligent effort to can it back in '99 or thereabouts.

[QUOTE=jimrr;178499]I could just about bet no CME can get $300K out of that wage structure. Maybe about $170K but even that would be incredibly obvious.
A lot of division overtime there is up to the section head and how he interacts with the Command. I don’t think the NOAA corp will go away, not after the last diligent effort to can it back in '99 or thereabouts.[/QUOTE]

It happened. That’s why they changed the pay structure for the chiefs underway. He padded his OT every chance he got. He’s still here, too.