Got the email…they are trying a Blue/Gold rotation on the Oscar Dyson and Henry Bigelow.
Maybe it’ll take off this time but good luck finding qualified people who will hang around.
What really gets me is that they don’t take advantage of every recruiting opportunity. There was a job fair at MAMA about 6 weeks ago. MSC had a table. The line was out the door. NOAA did not. NOAA’s Atlantic MOC is about 15 minutes away from the school- so what’s the excuse?
[QUOTE=catherder;147223]Got the email…they are trying a Blue/Gold rotation on the Oscar Dyson and Henry Bigelow.
Maybe it’ll take off this time but good luck finding qualified people who will hang around.
What really gets me is that they don’t take advantage of every recruiting opportunity. There was a job fair at MAMA about 6 weeks ago. MSC had a table. The line was out the door. NOAA did not. NOAA’s Atlantic MOC is about 15 minutes away from the school- so what’s the excuse?[/QUOTE]
[QUOTE=PaddyWest2012;147226]The “Bigelow”, is that where they make the tea?
A great idea for a T-shirt would be “Who in the Hell is Henry B. Bigelow” but now, alas, we have Google. Henry Bryant Bigelow was a marine biologist. May have been a tea drinker too, especially given the era he lived in.
It is so sad to see the mismanagement by NOAA. I love scientific research ships. NOAA won’t hire mates, therefore AB’s really have no hope of advancement. That’s fine for guys who don’t want to advance, but what about people with a little desire to advance and improve their lives? I would work for NOAA in a heartbeat if they were to pull their heads partially out of their tookasses.
[QUOTE=seadog6608;147239]It is so sad to see the mismanagement by NOAA. I love scientific research ships. NOAA won’t hire mates, therefore AB’s really have no hope of advancement. That’s fine for guys who don’t want to advance, but what about people with a little desire to advance and improve their lives? I would work for NOAA in a heartbeat if they were to pull their heads partially out of their tookasses.[/QUOTE]
I saw an internal announcement for a third mate but I need to go back and look. I can’t remember which one, maybe Foster. There’s only a couple that carry mates.
But why not try the university ships if you like research? I just got off one. It wasn’t bad. No wifi and no TV but I could check email so it could have been worse.
I’d like to know if there is anyone here with experience aboard the NANCY FOSTER? I am doing consultation work for the owner of the sistership and wondering about the NF being converted to DP
ACOE whenever I see employment ads looks like decent , at least at face value. Not your high and mighty GOM but industry wide not bad. But then again I don’t know how it really breaks down at the end of the year.
I do believe you can be considered a full time employee if you work for the govt. for 6 mos. a year? With what the govt. pays you’ll have to do something the rest of the time but there are some limitations on what you can do and still be a legal full time govt. employee. This scheme comes around every couple yrs. or so. Considering their new Dyson class design I think I wouldn’t mind being on one of the other ships at least during the foul weather up north. (spring/fall) Overall, NOAA was good to me and I have no complaints and I was able to sock away the $ because of the benefits… and I learned to bitch and complain like a …well, like a govt. ‘worker’!
[QUOTE=c.captain;151295]I’d like to know if there is anyone here with experience aboard the NANCY FOSTER? I am doing consultation work for the owner of the sistership and wondering about the NF being converted to DP[/QUOTE]
I have not worked on that one. I can ask someone who has who is now Cheng on another ship. What do you want to know.
Updated - - -
[QUOTE=Wrench;151113]Bump…anything new here? I Hope this is working out for them.
Any idea what they pay the Chief and 1st???[/QUOTE]
I have not worked for them since Sept and there appears to be “radio silence” on the rotation, but you do realize that they don’t do much over the winter save for in-port maintenance, right?
Thanks again Catherder. Winter time in-port maintenance? Is the crew still onboard for all that or they sent home? Do you know what those winter timeframes are? Dec thru Feb?
During winter inport you work/live aboard unless the ship is not habitable in which case you’ll live in a hotel till the ship is again habitable. I forgot to ask about this rotation thing but I doubt it is anymore than a coffee cups remark aboard. The Dyson sails this morning. Being a govt. employee it is a full time job so no, you don’t get sent anywhere except the salt mines. There is occasionally talk that ‘they’ should be able to use all the overtime (weekends?) to apply toward govt. service since many of those ships are doing 250+ days per year at sea but it takes congressional action to change such and would prob open many worm cans. // Nov-March max.
The rotation is supposed to be on the the four working FSVs…including the Dyson…
Hadn’t made myself available lately but some of my FB friends are on a couple of them so I’ll shoot the question out and see.
Think I may resign soon and move on. I can’t work on <4000 HP going forward because I am now accruing time for the motor license and I don’t want to get jammed up with another limitation
You could always get on the Ron Brown, put up with frank for 180 days and upgrade to unl. … I did it but my time got split up cuz I had to go to Iraq… sometimes it is hard to tell you which was worse!