Hello there, I currently work as an AB for NOAA so I should be able to answer most of your questions. The mixed tour agreement is separate from you working as an augmenter or being permanent on a ship. To clarify I am permanently assigned to a ship [B][U]but[/U][/B] on a mixed tour agreement. The mixed tour agreement is something NOAA began a few years back to be able to move sailors as the fleet expands and contracts. In lean times signing this agreement makes you the first on the chopping block. In “fat times” it has no effect on you. I signed one (was told I had to) and regretted it ever since. They can put me on “non-pay status” at any time without notice. It’s a scary thing so if you can avoid signing it, do.
Everyone’s needs are different, I did not want to be in the augmentation pool as I prefer to be working as much as possible, when I joined a couple years ago all I heard was doom and gloom about the aug pool. Now I hear they are short handed and everyone is working…it expands and contracts, nature of the beast. As an augmenter, the minute the ship hits the pier, they generally send you home or off to another assignment, lately they won’t send augmenters to ships alongside. Next year’s sailing schedule will be slow, most ships averaging 100 sea days a year…keep in mind that number changes every week it seems so who knows…
While in port you are off on weekends and can go home when you want. Overtime is pretty much shut down while alongside fleet wide…fishing boats might be the exception but I am not sure about those. Comp time depends on your Bosun and XO…many XO’s don’t like it and don’t understand it, hence won’t allow it. I have a great XO and Bosun so I have no issue earning comp time but other’s do in the fleet.
NOAA will send you to working diver school provided you are permanent on a ship, you might get it as an augmentor but unlikely and not possible your first year. Again if your permenant on a ship they will send you without much begging.
The Fed benefits can’t be beat, money is not so great but when you factor in what the government shells out for your retirement, thrift savings plan match, medical insurance, ect,ect you’ll find pretty quick that the fed is the way to go. If your out looking only for money today (day rate type) and not concerned about tomorrow or retirement then NOAA may not be for you.
Like any organization it has it’s good’s and bad’s but overall it is a good organization. And, you may find yourself using that 3rd’s license with NOAA once people get to know you and your established although NOT and easy ladder to climb.
May I ask what ship your thinking about joining permanent? Knowing that I may be able to tell you more about that specific ship or direct you to someone who can.
[QUOTE=george44;52656]Got offered a job (AB)with NOAA, have asked a few other questions so far but still have a few more to those in the know…
The mixed tour thing; how does it generally work out over the year, for bene’s, pay, time off, etc?
I have been tentatively been offered a perm position on a vessel about 6 hours from my house(driving)… I know usually you do the “pool” first year but HR called me after I spoke with the XO and he apparently liked me and wants me aboard his ship…
I’m debating whether or not I should do the mixed tour over a perm position as it seems like I’d be able to spend more time at home on the mixed tour and still make decent money, as I presume I’d be on the ships more when they were working and not sitting around doing in-port maint as much…
On the other hand(if on the perm assigned ship), when the ship is at its home port I could hopefully go home every other weekend, and maybe even try to bank up some comp time as leave to do 3 day weekends on those ones I go home…
Then use the leave accrued for longer home periods… I’m a Navy vet so my accrual will be a bit higher starting out too…
Any inputs?
OH! and does NOAA ever send AB’s to its working diver course? I have a Thirds unlimited license, recent academy grad…
I know that I could make more money, get more time off, etc elsewhere, but the NOAA thing seems cool, and if I could get DP training, dive training, small boat handling, that’d all be gravy…
Plus its federal…[/QUOTE]