I submitted my ROG application for a AB special endorsement almost 6 weeks ago and it still hasn’t started processing yet. The REC says they are too backed up to even look at it so they sent it straight to the NMC. I call the NMC once a week and they say it’s gonna be started Friday every time and it doesn’t. Anybody else having bad wait times at the moment? Any advice to get them to speed up a little?
Miami looked at mine. Said I needed the fees which were Plato’ paid as well as the oath that was notarized. I sent both in AGAIN. Got an email yesterday stating it was sent to NMC. What rec did you send to?
I sent it into REC Charleston. I have no idea what’s going on. They just keep telling I’ll get an email this Friday. Then of course I don’t.
What school did you go to for ab if you did? One of the many issues I faced using mariners learning system was in person schools do everything they can to get your ticket in hand. More they get the more referrals they get. I know sea school hooks you up left and right to make sure you succeed in obtaining it. Maybe contact your school and ask? Sea school told a cap I work with as much as to send the renewal to Hawaii as they had the fastest turn around at the time.
Andy Hammond solves much of this pain. Holly Chetta also solved the pain; may she Rest in Peace…she helped many mariners over the years.
Thanks for that, I’ll send him and email.
I tried that last year and it seemed like they then snail mailed my packet to West Virginia. (Now I realize that it was NMC just taking a really long time to bother confirm receipt.)
I didn’t do it based on an inside to that they were the fastest, I was submitting on a Friday and thought with the time difference they might be able to process it and forward it same day. (They didn’t.)