Men and Women are completely equal in every way. In fact women are stronger, faster, smarter and more capable in any endeavor. Just ask our President. " Women can do anything better than men>" Where are the committees and grants and studies addressing the hardships of men at sea.
Where can a man find a platform to address sexual harassment at sea. They would be laughed out of the room.
An injured hand " get back to work you siss" is all the succor he will find. Of course no grant money here is there, or papers to be published, or conferences to fly out to on pier diem
Just a question. How long has it been since you have been to sea? Because a hand injury to a crewmember warrants a possible 2692 to the USCG and a call from the company lawyers nowadays. Or are you using it in the sense of a crewmember being a “hand”. Either way, those days have long passed. I further fail to see your logic having any bearing on sexual assault in this industry.
It is not just a US problem, ITF is also on the case: