New exam rules ? Must pass more then 50% of modules?

I have my approval to test for master 1600 NC , I’m doing a prep class now and plan to test directly after. The instructor has told us a new uscg policy is that you must pass more than half of your modules ( so must pass 4 modules or more) the first time or you won’t be allowed to complete testing ? I have heard before that 3rd mate required something like this but not limited masters ? Is there any truth to this or a nvic to reference ?

Many thanks ,

Yes that is correct…someone at your local rec or at the nmc should be able to clarify/explain.

Yes it is true, no it is not that new. If you have 6 tests, you need to pass 4 on the first go around. If you do not, you need to repeat all modules. So make sure you are prepared. you have a year to complete the exams, from the time letter to test was issued.

[QUOTE=coldcreepin;145811]I have my approval to test for master 1600 NC , I’m doing a prep class now and plan to test directly after. The instructor has told us a new uscg policy is that you must pass more than half of your modules ( so must pass 4 modules or more) the first time or you won’t be allowed to complete testing ? I have heard before that 3rd mate required something like this but not limited masters ? Is there any truth to this or a nvic to reference ?

Many thanks ,[/QUOTE]

That is part of the new regulations. Previousy this was only applicable to unlimited licenses, the new rule makes one policy for all licenses/endorsements. But, that rule doesn’t take effect until March 24, 2019, for anyopne who had at least one day of sea time for the endorsement they are testing for that was before March 24, 2014. If you have this one day, you are eligible to test under the old rules. If you do elect to test under the old rules, you would also get the old test, but in almost all cases the old test has less subjects on it than the new one, so for most exams, you would probably consider the old test to be “easier.”

The new policy does not specify 50% of the modules, it says 3 or more modules. It’s only 50% or more if you take 6 or more modules.

The new policy is on page 10 of the NMC’s “new” exam guide. This is for anyone testing under the new rules.

The “old” policy, which would still apply if you test under the old rules, is on page 6 of the “old” NMC exam guide.

[QUOTE=psquiggs;145848]Yes it is true, no it is not that new. If you have 6 tests, you need to pass 4 on the first go around. If you do not, you need to repeat all modules. So make sure you are prepared. you have a year to complete the exams, from the time letter to test was issued.[/QUOTE]

See above. It is not new for unlimited licenses, but it is new for other licenses.

Can you tell me what requirements the coast guard requires before you can take the test? I want to get my 1600 mate and currently have AB, PSC lifeboatman and STCW basic safety training.

Visit the NMC webpage and go to the checklist tab. You are going to find all the info you need.

[QUOTE=westmaui;145854]Can you tell me what requirements the coast guard requires before you can take the test? I want to get my 1600 mate and currently have AB, PSC lifeboatman and STCW basic safety training.[/QUOTE]

Jdcavo- thank you for the helpful information as always.