Navy fires captain who sought help for virus-stricken ship

Navy Leaders Recommend Reinstating Roosevelt Captain Fired Over Virus Warning

Capt. Brett E. Crozier, who was removed from command after sending a letter pleading for help to fight the coronavirus on his aircraft carrier, was largely cleared after Navy review.

By Helene Cooper, Eric Schmitt and Thomas Gibbons-Neff

  • April 24, 2020, 2:46 p.m. ET

WASHINGTON — Capt. Brett E. Crozier should be restored to command of the aircraft carrier Theodore Roosevelt, the Navy’s top officials recommended on Friday.

But Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper, who was briefed on the recommendations, has asked for more time to consider whether to sign off on the reinstatement of the captain of the nuclear-powered carrier.

Mr. Esper received the recommendation on Friday that Captain Crozier be reinstated from the chief of Naval Operations, Admiral Michael M. Gilday, and the acting Navy secretary, James McPherson. Defense Department officials said earlier that they expected to announce the results of the Navy’s investigation into the matter on Friday afternoon.

Read the one of the latest articles, says recommend reinstatement, I hope that means to his beloved crew and ship. Rat bastard move from the start by the higher ups. Boss of the fleet and he are not golf partners. Sure there are about 5000 or so guys that wouldn’t mind duffing a few rounds with him. It’s lonely at the top.

I’m not sure how they can do it. I mean the President said on live TV (I’m going to paraphrase) that CAPT did bad things to deserve his removal and the he supports the removal. How can they now reinstate him? To do so would be a slap in the President’s face. Heck, just saying he should be reinstated is already a slap in the face. Otherwise the President would have to admit to making a mistake in supporting his removal. He’s not one to admit mistakes. Neither is gonna fly in this climate.

It’ll be interesting to see what happens. I’d say he gets a desk job overseas and ordered not to talk to anyone about anything so he can fade away into obscurity.

Similar thoughts here.

Dudes! It’s not that hard!
POTUS45 (April 5); I thought it was terrible what he did, to write a letter? I mean, this isn’t a class on literature.
POTUS45: (tomorrow): Hey! It was all a joke! You believed me? PSYCH!"

There’s people on gCaptain already falling for it…

NPR is reporting that Capt Crozier is to be reinstated.

So to catch us all up:

  • Early on, several commentators said it was the admirals who decided to remove Crozier from command…
  • But the admirals didn’t. We found out the Acting Navy Secretary made a unilateral decision, based on what thought his boss would think.
  • The Navy Secretary caught flak and resigned.
  • The Admirals then actually did an inquiry and were inclined to reinstatement.
  • Now another Acting Navy Secretary is jumping into the admiral’s inquiry, and saying there needs to be another inquiry…

I thought Double Jeopardy was a game show. :slightly_smiling_face:


Not double , until the last 15 minutes.

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No way CAPT Crozier will be reinstated. President Trump continues to publicly fault his judgement and belittle him.

(I’ll be happy to tell my captains they must stop writing long emails because the President said captains of a ship can’t do that.)

“And then he wanted to be Ernest Hemingway,” the president added, comparing Crozier to the famous writer. “… He started writing these long memos, and you can’t do that when you’re the captain of a ship.”

Trump must not like people that can write not named Kim.

I wonder who helped him spell Hemingway, or Ernest. I seriously doubt he has read any Hemingway, there is ample evidence he can’t read.

Let’s see if the Navy does what the moron wants or does what is right.


He’s the CIC and he controls their careers. Any defiance would be a temporary victory lasting as long as it takes for them to be relieved. They’d be stupid to defy him.

I’m not sure he should get his command back. I’d be too tainted with politics (more politics than usual). It would be a distraction and possibility bad for order and discipline.

The “ash heap” of history is piled high with men who valued their career more than their country or their conscience. It is what enables dictators.

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I’m not going to challenge you. I will say a strategic withdrawal can buy time for an eventual victory.

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Many would argue that the current admiralty is piled high with men who value their career more than their country or conscience. If not their Navy career, then their post-Navy defense contractor VP job.

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As a USN “mustang” with 28 years of service (1965-1993) I certainly won’t argue with that statement.

Overall, I am appalled, disappointed, angry, and… at all the military and ‘elected’ officials who have completely forgotten (or ignored) the oath of office they took, specifically, “…to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic…”.

The Roosevelt sails again with a reduced crew. Some sailors left behind who tested positive again after being cleared.

A post was merged into an existing topic: Navy Upholds Firing of Captain Who Warned of Virus