MV Rio Madiera adrift 75 km off the NSW south coast (Australia). Lost main power on thursday, aux power is running, crew of 27 is Ok.
Drifting south awaiting a tow, 3380 containers on board, 126 dangerous goods.
Curiously Marine Traffic has it underway on engine.
Just underlining the importance of ensuring that bean counters don’t make all the decisions around a port’s tug fleet. Otherwise you end up with capable harbour tugs only able to operate in seas of less than 2 metres and no accommodation for the crew.
Yes, fortunately AMSA (Australian Maritime Safety Authority) insists upon and contracts out emergency towage response for the entire Australian coastline which takes it out of the bean counter’s hands. Tug Svitzer Glenrock covers from the NSW/VICT border up to the NSW northern rivers. She is a big unit with 80~85t BP and built in Vietnam.